May. 5th, 2009


[Backdated to Earlier Tonight]

The sign behind the bar was suddenly alight, festive green and red lettering declaring it "¡Cinco de Mayo! (May 5, for all of our non-Earth patrons)" Written under it, in a feminine swirly handwriting, were the words 'One Margarita Free'. The bartender who'd declared the free drinks was currently adjusting the sombrero that she couldn't seem to get off her head. Despite that, she was actually in a pretty good mood- she'd needed an excuse to party. And from what she could see, so did a lot of the patrons.

Anybody interested?

Apr. 17th, 2009


Open Post

There was a mostly-content looking brunette curled up in one of the chairs near the bookshelf, humming to herself as she flicked through the trashy romance novel of the week. It wasn't the most academic of reading materials she could have picked, but she was in need of a bit of a feel-good story, after the latest influx of cranky patrons into the Bar. And still, her door was nowhere in sight. It made her wonder just why they were all there, in the first place.

Apr. 6th, 2009


A Cure for the -Days (Open Post)

Not so long ago, in a place that has no right to exist, there was a bar.

And really, if one were going to be in a place that shouldn't exist, at least its disrespect of that standard could be made somewhat better by alcohol.

Said bar was exactly what one might expect its sort of establishment to be on a weeknight (assuming for the moment, of course, that this improbable location observes weeks); quiet. Unfortunately for the few patrons that were in the bar proper at the moment, it didn't like to be quiet. So it decided to change that.

The specials board above the sink suddenly illuminated, words scrawling across the frosted glass in loopy neon-green writing:

'Cure for the Mondays; First Round's Free'

This, of course, made the bartender standing under the sign jump, followed by a frown; for one, by her standard, it wasn't a Monday (not that it mattered, but the reminder was a little rude, in her book). And secondly, she didn't appreciate the work- or lack of tips- the free drinks implied. Still, all she could do was sigh, and await the incoming orders. That was, of course, after she turned around and crossed out the first three letters of the day.

Alcohol was a cure on any day- no need to specify.

August 2009



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