The City of Emillion

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Posts Tagged: 'aspel+cassul'

Apr. 13th, 2014



"I've tried to be better inside,I've tried to heal myself many times,But we both know I'm still ill"

Who: Aspel Cassul (Narrative! - Mentions of: Ari, Seloria, Rictor, Mag, Vivi, Jareth, Li, Drake, & others I'm forgetting.)
What: Falling down.
Where: Various places - but mostly her apartment and The Armory.
When: A series of events: Beginning of Jan to April 5
Rating: R (Language, self destructive habits, addictions, self blame, depression, sex, drug use, other issues.)
Status: Complete!

Did darkness not always proceed dawn...? )

Apr. 1st, 2014



Your warm whispers, Out of the dark they carry my heart....

Who: Aspel & Seloria.
What: Story time.
Where: Cassul Keep, Kerwon
When: 15 years ago.
Rating: PG? (Mentions of injuries, Heroines and dark woods)
Status: Complete!

For now, it was story time... )

Mar. 29th, 2014



so much for reason when, cold and unfeeling, it brings every trial to your door.

Who: Aspel Cassul & Rictor Cassul
What: The last few months, as the siblings rebuild their relationship and expose certain vulnerabilities.
Where: Throughout Emillion.
When: Late November through mid-February.
Rating: Profanity and feels.
Status: Complete!

If you are to do this, act not for me, but for the city, for our community, and for our name. )



there's a boy here in town says he'll love me forever

Who: Countess Genevieve Albrecht (hosting), Lady Alys Coloumbe and Lord Basil Norwood (in honor of), Juliette Coloumbe (sister of the bride-to-be), esteemed guests
What: The engagement ball of Alys & Basil
Where: Genevieve's estate
When: Today, 2pm
Rating: R (for cat fights and cursing and who knows what else please label threads appropriately)
Status: In progress

It had all come together rather quickly, but she had managed and looked quite presentable, if she could say so herself. )

Mar. 28th, 2014



We've had our share of growing pains, what will the new year bring?

Who: Aspel, Ari, & Drake
What: New Year's night continues into New Year’s Day.
Where: Ari's flat
When: BACKDATED: New Year's (Day-ish technically~). After all of this
Rating: NC-17~. Wanna guess why? Com’mon! You know you do! (Psst, if you guessed SEX! you might be right~)
Status: Complete

“Happy New Year darling for whatever is in store...”  )



In your deepest pain, In your weakest hour, In you darkest night, You are lovely...

Who: Aspel & Siri.
What: Muffins.
Where: Ringwyrm Hall
When: BACKDATED: March 7th!
Rating: PG-13? (Mentions of violent little fantasy creatures, it’s cool)

The invitation to make muffins had been… Surprisingly accepted. )

Mar. 26th, 2014



I'm in the business of misery, Let's take it from the top.

Who: OPEN!
What: Strange occurrences are becoming the norm.
Where: Emillion.
When: Today. (Late afternoon/Early evening-ish)
Rating: W! for WTF? (WARNINGS: Violence, death)
Note: Please rate/warn sub threads accordingly!

While they would not approach at first, they did not fall back either.  )

Mar. 22nd, 2014


i don't give a damn 'bout my bad reputation.

Who: Mag & Aspel
What: First meetings & trouble.
Where: Somewhere near the Ordalian desert
When: 2007
Rating: R for violence & mercenaries killing people.
Status: Complete.

This all seemed like trouble. )

Mar. 20th, 2014



Of a world where every neighbour is a friend, Happy new year, Happy new year...

Who: Everyone and anyone!
What: Ivalice New Year's Eve!
Where: Across Emillion~ (The "world" really)
When: Today!
Rating: Mark as appropriate!
Status: H! For Hijinks!
Note: Please mark threads with appropriate ratings/warnings!

In the Ivalician calendar, New Year's Eve, the last day of the year, was on Pisces 30th. )

Mar. 19th, 2014



We have fallen down again tonight, In this world it's hard to get it right....

Who: Aspel, Drake & Ari.
What: A surprise! (And not the one anyone was expecting)
Where: Ari’s flat.
When: Today!
Rating: PG! (it's mostly just.... Awkward really.)
Status: Complete!

“I didn’t actually mean for my furniture to attack you...”  )

Mar. 18th, 2014



Rule number one, is that you gotta have fun….

Who: Aspel & Drake.
What: Equipment Concerns.
Where: Drake’s Desk office in Bahamut Hall. (SORRYNOT!SORRY! BRAM!)
When: Today!
Rating: PG-13.... Ish? (TW: Implications of sex.)
Status: Complete!

“So, you want to what? Test the pens?”  )

Mar. 16th, 2014



I lose to you, surrendered at the start of the game...

Who: Aspel & Drake.
What: A date!
Where: Restaurant to Drake's apartment.
When: BACKDATED! (2/18)
Rating: NC-18, tbh. (TW: SEX. really graphic SEX.)
Status: Complete.

“I do believe if you are to properly begin making your transgressions against me up, we ought to relocate to somewhere a bit more private, no?”  )

Mar. 15th, 2014



Rule number two, just don't get attached to, Somebody you could lose...

Who: Aspel & Ari
What: Making up, more or less
Where: Aspel’s apartment
When: Backdated: 3/4 (Pisces 14), shortly after this
Rating: PG-ish? (WARNINGS: Insinuations of violence, self depreciation, probably other things that I'm missing...)
Status: Complete

“Of my dreams?”  )

Feb. 25th, 2014



Can I confess these things to you, Well I don't know, Embedded in my chest, and it hurts to hold....

Who: Aspel & Ari.
What: Two prideful people after a fight are just awkward.
Where: Ordalian restaurant in the Bazaar.
When: Today.
Rating: PG-13?
Status: Complete.

“I should let you go.”  )

Feb. 23rd, 2014



We bide our time, Though the time is fine... Why do we waste time, Hiding it inside?

Who: Aspel & Drake
What: Saturday afternoon bitchfest part 1 billion...
Where: Conference room in Bahamat Hall.
When: BACKDATED! Feb 8th.
Rating: PG-13 (WARNINGS!: Sexual innuendo, talks of sexual nature.)
Status: Complete!

“...Table or lunch, which do you think?“  )



this will blow over in time. this will all blow over in time.

Who: Aspel Cassul & Bram Thornton
What: Two councilors paralleling terrible coping mechanisms during a terrible week.
Where: Bahamut Hall.
When: Very late January, a couple days after this.
Rating: Tame, save for alcohol abuse.
Status: Complete!

It wasn’t enough, but it would have to do. )



I think I’m going under – tell me now can you help?

Who: Aspel & Mag
What: A talk.
Where: Aspel’s apartment.
When: Today!
Rating: PG? (WARNINGS: Talks of death/suicide, self-hate, religious zeal)
Status: Complete!

...And everything felt like it was about to swallow her up, to destroy her. )

Who: Magnolia Paget & Aspel Cassul
What: A confrontation, of sorts.
Where: Aspel's office in Bahamut Hall
When: 2/1 (backdated)
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

It had taken Mag a few days to put the pieces together. )

Feb. 21st, 2014



What breaks your bones is not the load you're carrying, what breaks you down is all in how you carry

Who: Ari & Aspel
What: A fight
Where: Aspel’s apartment
When: Today
Rating: PG-13-ish? Lots of shouting.
Status: Complete

Apparently, as per the norm, she had used this tailor made opportunity to get herself nearly killed... )

Feb. 20th, 2014



And now's the time to break and run away....

Who: OPEN!
What: Strange occurrences are becoming the norm.
Where: Emillion.
When: Today.
Rating: W! for WTF? (WARNINGS: Violence, death)
Note: Please rate/warn sub threads accordingly!

The squawks of scared chocobos and shrieks could be heard by the guards at the city Palings long before they were seen. )