The City of Emillion

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Posts Tagged: '%21log'

Feb. 27th, 2015



Who: Drake, Aspel, Ari, and a bunch of NPCs
What: Visiting Drake’s family for the holidays (Part 3)
Where: Mostly someplace in Ordalia
When: Capricorn 1-5 (December 23-27, 2015)
Rating: PG-ish
Status: Complete

''Well, that went... well.'' )



Who: Drake, Aspel, Ari, and a bunch of NPCs
What: Visiting Drake’s family for the holidays (Part 2)
Where: Mostly someplace in Ordalia
When: Capricorn 1-5 (December 23-27, 2015)
Rating: PG-ish
Status: Complete

''Did she have to hide the bedding?'' )



Who: Drake, Aspel, Ari, and a bunch of NPCs
What: Visiting Drake’s family for the holidays (Part 1)
Where: Mostly someplace in Ordalia
When: Capricorn 1-5 (December 23-27, 2015)
Rating: PG-ish
Status: Complete

Some days, he really wished he drank. )

Jan. 3rd, 2015



Who: Ash & Cian
What: Faram’s Mass with Emillion’s most aromantic married couple
Where: Ash’s place
When: Backdated to the night of 12/24 (Faram’s Mass Eve)
Rating: PG-13-ish, because these two
Status: Complete

Holidays probably came with the whole married-with-kids territory, but he didn’t really feel married and the kid was just a bump under Ash’s sweater. His usual ability to adjust on the fly was taking its sweet time. )



Who: Aisling Wilde & Duke Reinholdt
What: An offer she can’t refuse
Where: The Snuggly Duckling
When: December 23rd, after midnight
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

The headache she was getting just thinking about translating Reinholdt-speak to normal speech was just going to get worse. )

Dec. 31st, 2014



Who: Juliette & Darius
What: Darius comes for a check-up, but encounters the wrong sister
Where: The Coulombe estate
When: November sometime
Rating: Tame
Status: Complete

Her sister claimed to be well, but Juliette had her doubts. )

Dec. 29th, 2014



"We're a crooked love in a straight line down. Makes you wanna run and hide..."

Who: Aspel & Drake
What: Checking in~
Where: Aspel's apartment
When: Forever ago.
Rating: PG-ish
Status: Complete

Everything in the last several weeks had been nothing but a terrible mess. )



Who: Ari & Aspel
What: Closing night and the flower game completed
Where: The Sphere and Ari’s place
When: December 6/Sagittarius 14
Rating: PG-ish
Status: Complete

It would all be fine. )

Dec. 12th, 2014



Who: Ash & Cian
What: Discussing all manner of things, and making a few decisions
Where: Cian's place
When: Today
Rating: PG-13 for language
Status: Complete

''Tax breaks. That’s your pitch, princess? Let’s sign a paper and stick it to the government?'' )



Who: Drake & Ari
What: Going home to meet the family, take 2!
Where: Ari’s apartment
When: Mid-November sometime
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

The best he’d been able to come up with was inviting her on a vacation. To Ordalia. Where his mom lives. And oh, they could totally stay with her, too. )



Who: Juliette & Vivi
What: Discussing future plans
Where: Library; Vivi’s estate
When: Last week sometime
Rating: Disney
Status: Complete

She'd put it off entirely too long. )

Dec. 5th, 2014



Who: Aspel & Ari
What: Talking about one problem somehow leads to a much bigger problem, which begets booze
Where: Aspel’s apartment
When: Late November sometime
Rating: PG-ish?
Status: Complete

I’m just showing up, if and when it happens. )

Dec. 4th, 2014



We both know I cannot come home, the water rose faster than I could run...

Who: Peony & Jareth
What: A confession is made, and then a plan is hatched
Where: Shieldwyrm Hall
When: Today
Rating: Jare has a potty mouth, otherwise PG
Status: Complete

''I will be leaving the city -- and the guild -- within the week.'' )

Nov. 5th, 2014



A gamble.

Who: Edgar Chere & Duke Reinholdt
What: A gamble.
Where: Emillion - Back room of a bar!
When: Today - Late evening (10pm).
Rating: PG

'I'll take that bet.'  )

Nov. 1st, 2014



Who: Darius & Chloe
What: Potion sales.
Where: Cormac's Clinic
When: Backdated: After/Around Oct 25th.
Rating: PG
Status: tbc via log...

The aftermath of these fights was always a disaster. )

Oct. 31st, 2014


Log: About Ridley (Cormac & Emily)

Who: Cormac Hier & Emily Miliona
Where: Cormac's Home
When: Today!
What: Cormac and Emily discuss the future and Ridley's role in it.
Rating: Low
Status: to be continued in comments

We're engaged, we should probably find our way to a chapel at some point. )

Log: Mornings (Saeed & Eden)

Who: Saeed Hadded & Eden Dire
Where: Saeed's Home
When: Scorpio 8, Morning
What: Saeed and Eden in the morning~
Rating: Tame.
Status: Complete

What is the saying? Good things come to those that wait? )



Who: Vivi and Juliette
What: Checking in on the bitty
Where: Vivi’s guesthouse
When: Yesterday
Rating: Tame
Status: Complete

Perhaps having something inane to think of would distract her. )



Who: Ari & Celia
What: Opening night
Where: The Sphere
When: Tonight!
Rating: Tame
Status: Complete!

Ari could fully admit that she looked ridiculous... )



Who: Ash & Ari
What: Stealing an ugly necklace… in plain sight
Where: A museum
When: Backdated: Libra 26/October 18
Rating: PG-13 for Ash’s language
Status: Complete!

“Easy as pie.” )