The City of Emillion

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Posts Tagged: 'magnolia+paget'

Feb. 14th, 2014



Who: Everyone~
What: St. Namorados Day (it's Valentines!)
Where: Emillion
When: Today
Rating: Please mark in your subject lines for anything above PG, possible warnings or triggers!

Whether this served to infect a sense of warmth and affection in the citizens, or simply became another matter to cause a sense of ire, depended entirely on the individual. )

Feb. 11th, 2014



well, you shot off your mouth and look where it got you.

Who: Mag Paget & Rictor Cassul
What: Two friends go out for a drink, and Ric tries to guess the nature of the Black Lions mission she was on. Naturally, it turns into a drinking game.
Where: A pub.
When: Sometime this week.
Rating: Foul language.
Status: Complete!

We’re going to run out of bullshit stories before we run out of alcohol tolerance. )

Feb. 1st, 2014



Who: Kiernan & Mag
What: Drinking and fighting away their rage
Where: Tipsy Sheep
When: Backdated to 1/31, after this
Rating: PG-13 for swearing and violence
Status: Complete!

So, wanna dance? )

Feb. 2nd, 2014


the floors are falling out from everybody I know.

Who: Magnolia Paget & Bram Thornton
What: Storming the castle
Where: EKP HQ, Bram's office
When: 1/31, after this
Rating: PG-13 for swearing
Status: Complete!

Knocking was for people with a cooler head. )

Jan. 28th, 2014



And I'm haunted, By the lives that I have loved, And actions I have hated....

Who: Aspel & Mag
What: Memories.
Where: Aspel’s apartment.
When: BACKDATED: Jan 5th
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

It still fit.  )



And I've been a fool, and I've been blind, I can never leave the past behind....

Who: Aspel & Mag
What: Shopping!
Where: Streets of Emillion.
When: BACKDATED: Dec 22nd
Rating: PG
Status: Complete.

“I suppose it’s not the best outfit to train in, but don’t you think that’s my color?”  )



Play the tape back, take apart, Just what happened in your heart...

Who: Aspel & Mag
What: A talk.
Where: Mag’s Apartment
When: BACKDATED: Dec 6th
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Why would Faram save a murderer, and kill a child’s mum? )

Jan. 26th, 2014


ladies who lunch (redux!)

Who: Ladies Who Lunch!
What: Tea & snacks, then volunteering.
Where: Cafe du ciel Rose, then a tenements orphanage.
When: Today, afternoon.
Rating: Mark as needed.

Their menus featuring tea and scones and finger sandwiches and more were resting in front of the chairs when they arrived. )

Jan. 24th, 2014


Who: Magnolia Paget & Lavitz fon Amell
What: Visiting the newborn puppies
Where: The Fon Amell Estate.
When: 1/14 (backdated)
Rating: G
Status: Complete!

But the puppies, and Zelda, were alive and well, so what did it matter? )

Jan. 17th, 2014



Who: Open to the Black Lions & all mission recruits.
What: Day one, two and three.
Where: Southern Valendia: forest, ruins and a nomad village.
When: Capricorn 26th → 28th.
Rating: Mark as necessary.
Note: Any individual threads, logs, and minis go here!

The first part of their mission had the group traveling by airship. )

Jan. 14th, 2014



Who: Ari & Mag
What: Morning (gasp) coffee
Where: The Roast
When: This morning
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

‘‘We just find it terribly amusing to watch everyone else hobble around, groaning and shielding their eyes from the sun, like the living dead.’’ )

Dec. 20th, 2013



Make me believe that this place isn't plagued, By the poison in me...

Who: Cúchulainn & OPEN!
What: An attack!
Where: Close to the Mages Tower.
When: Evening.
Rating: R - Language, violence, etc.

A higher calling had led him to Emillion... )

Dec. 6th, 2013


tell me if you can what makes a man a man.

Who: Mag Paget & Lavitz fon Amell
What: Lord Paget! Mag crossdresses for the birthday party.
Where: Mag's apartment
When: 12/4 (backdated)
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

If I start to cry or lose my eyesight tonight, at least I’ll have this to remember. )



"Let me be your light, When its barely together..."

Who: Aspel & Mag
What: Delirium
Where: Aspel’s apartment.
When: BACKDATED: Friday - 11/29/13
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

“The clock took an unplanned voyage down the stairs. I’ll get you a new one...”  )

Dec. 4th, 2013



And so what, if I love each feather and each spangle?

Who: Kiernan, Friends, Fighters Guild, their guests, and passersby tbh~ (basically, anyone who has a reason to be there!)
What: Birthday!
Where: Snuggly Duckling
When: Tonight, ~8pm
Rating: Pending
Status: Open for interactions!

It was high time to honor the bet he'd lost )

Dec. 1st, 2013



You could reverberate, you could decay...

Who: Open to Volunteers for the herb obtainment mission.
What: Ending the plague.
Where: Deep within the Emillion Mountains.
When: Afternoon.
Rating: R; violence, language, etc~.

“State your goal.”  )

Nov. 30th, 2013



these are the scars that words have carved

Who: Lavitz fon Amell & Mag Paget
What: Ghosts never really go away.
Where: The docks
When: Thursday, sometime after this
Rating: PG-13, mentions of death
Status: Complete!

If she could not make him stop blaming himself for everything that had gone wrong in his life, she would simply have to be there when depression hit him, to listen, and point out the good things about himself he never seemed to notice. And hope that he'd take her words to heart, one day. )



Who: Mission volunteers!
What: Camping the night before battle!
Where: Emillion mountains
When: Saturday night
Rating: PG? (mark if higher)
Status: Complete!

Campfires sprang up, food and bedrolls were passed out, and the scent of woodsmoke warmed the chilly mountain night. )

Nov. 27th, 2013


and now it’s two long years just waiting around to die.

Who: Magnolia Paget ( + unconscious Aspel, cameo by Ari Chiaro)
What: Narrative. Mag feels helpless.
Where: Aspel’s apartment.
When: Right after this
Rating: F for Feels.
Status: Complete.

Her hands were shaking when she pulled the spare key out of her pocket. )

Nov. 26th, 2013



How did you know, I was feeling so under the weather, This evening....

Who: Aspel & Mag
What: Sneezing
Where: Mag’s apartment.
When: BACKDATED: 11/19/2013
Rating: PG
Status: COMPLETE~!

“I may have a bit of something coming on.”  )