The City of Emillion

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Posts Tagged: 'kiernan+manley'

Oct. 31st, 2013



But when worlds collide said George Pal to his bride, I'm gonna give you some terrible thrills.

Who: Open to everyone!
What: The Eve of Holy Saints.
Where: Emillion.
When: All day.
Rating: Rate appropriately.

The Eve of Holy Saints had been celebrated in Emillion for as long as any could remember. )

Oct. 30th, 2013



Who: Kiernan + NPCs (Fergus Manley, an old family friend, and a white mage)
What: Family Stuff
Where: A farming village in the Outlands
When: Today
Rating: PG13 for language
Status: Complete (narrative)

Get out of here. )

Oct. 28th, 2013



thread; kiernan & seloria

Who: Seloria & Kiernan
What: Seloria and Kiernan date night after The Con Man.
Where: Theatre District
When: Scorpio 1 (10/25) - Night [backdate]
Rating: PG
Status: Ongoing

Did you like it? )

Oct. 22nd, 2013



Who: Kiernan Manley, Lavitz fon Amell & Peony Min
What: A flirt, his wingman, and a councilor walk into a hall.
Where: Shieldwyrm
When: Earlier today
Rating: F for Facepalm
Status: Complete!

No, some things never changed. )

Oct. 20th, 2013



Ein Prosit!

Who: OPEN!
Where: Throughout the Commoner's District
When: ALL DAY.
Rating: (Rate appropriately!)
Status: Go home, you're drunk.
NOTE: Float over translation coding is in place for the drinking song~ ♥

Really, Bierfest had started at least a week before. )

Oct. 17th, 2013


don't look back, just keep on walking.

Who: Mag Paget & Kiernan Manley
What: Mag refuses to let herself get depressed again, and collects on a bet.
Where: Mag’s apartment.
When: After this (backdated)
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

In retrospect, Lav’s visit could have ended a lot worse. )

Oct. 9th, 2013



Who: Kiernan Manley & OPEN to multiples! (Amos, Cressida, Pyr)
What: Kiernan has errands to run
Where: Various places across town
When: Wednesday, Libra 17 (today)
Rating: PG (for language) to start
Status: Complete!

With a sigh, Kiernan flopped back from the fence, the white paint dripping from the brush and onto the browning grass. )

Oct. 4th, 2013



you're pounding on the fault line

Who: Kiernan Manley & Lavitz fon Amell
What: Feels and overdue confessions.
Where: Kiernan's hometown
When: Evening of Sunday, Sept 22
Rating: R for talk of attempted suicide and death, slight violence
Status: Complete.

The last twenty years had been spent running away from his problems, so what was another day? )

Sep. 20th, 2013



The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire~

Where: Laughing Champion House - A Tavern in the commoners district.
When: Early evening - 5pm-ish!
Rating: Mark accordingly!
Notes: Feel free to have your character help put out the fire, save the people stuck inside, keep the crowd back, etc! What would help in a situation like this so that the fire doesn't spread? DO IT!

The cook was a loud, gruff and brash man. )

Sep. 18th, 2013



Who: Juliette & OPEN (Mag, Kiernan, Evander, Ridley, & Seloria)
What: Ditching training (gasp), trying to gather her thoughts
Where: Various locations around town
When: Throughout the day
Rating: G
Status: Complete!

Such a poor delinquent she was, she couldn’t even do this right… )

Sep. 13th, 2013



Who: Open to fighters!
What: Visitors from the outlands returning to crowd up the guildhall.
Where: Bahamut Hall.
When: Friday, all day. Timestamp as necessary.
Rating: PG; mark if higher. (And watch out for that candy!)

It was a typical meeting of Rangers for the start of the autumn season, and that also meant barrels of mead... )

Sep. 12th, 2013



Who: Kiernan & Ari (guest appearance by Lucy)
What: Dragon placating (and riding!)
Where: Some distance from the East Gates
When: This afternoon, around 1:00
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

With how moody she’d been, there was a good chance she’d attack more than just Kiernan on sight. )



Who: Kiernan Manley & Gillian Goodwin
What: Housing arrangements, part deux
Where: Gillian's home
When: This morning, around 9:00
Rating: G
Status: Complete

It would do him no good to show that he disrespected her time by showing up even ten seconds late. )

Sep. 10th, 2013



let this be a warning says the magpie to the morning, don't let this fading summer pass you by...

Who: Lex & open to multiple threads (?!)
What: A simple errand.
Where: Various.
When: Today.
Rating: TBD; shenanigans.
Status: Incomplete.

Meine lieben, this is wonderful news! )

Sep. 1st, 2013


I've got a feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night...

Who: Magnolia Paget & friends
What: Mag’s birthday party!
Where: The Snuggly Duckling
When: Tonight, starting at 7PM (timestamp sub-threads as appropriate)
Rating: who knows~
Status: Open for interactions!

After the clock struck seven, her friends began to trickle into the tavern.. )

Aug. 29th, 2013



Who: Gillian Goodwin & Kiernan Manley
What: Housing negotiations
Where: The Daily Grind
When: Earlier today
Rating: G
Status: Complete!

Kiernan didn't know what to expect from the talk with Gillian, but it was the best lead he had for wintertime housing. )

Aug. 24th, 2013



Who: Kiernan Manley and Lavitz fon Amell
What: Making sure Lav didn’t die at the ball
Where: A restaurant, Commoner’s District
When: Late afternoon
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Kiernan did not at all regret having missed the ball. )

Aug. 20th, 2013



Into the woods then out of the woods and home before dark

Who: Kiernan Manley, Ridley Irving, Sister Felicity, Quenten Delacreaux, Peony Min, and Marta the NPC White Mage
What: Field experience! w/ FG babysitters escorts~
Where: The Outlands
When: 11:00-12:30ish? today
Rating: PG for violence and potentially Kiernan's language (he'll do his best to keep it in check you guys)
Status: Complete!

He knew the Outlands as well as any Ranger, and where they were going was plenty safe. )



“I could’ve sworn I was telling the truth when I told you I didn’t miss you....”

Who: Aspel & Kiernan
What: Misunderstandings in rooming.
Where: Ari’s Apartment.
When: BACKDATED: August 2nd
Rating: PG?
Status: Complete

If someone had asked her why she was here, the honest to Faram answer would have been ‘I don’t know’... )

Aug. 14th, 2013


if you want to go, I'll take you back one day

Who: Mag & Kiernan
What: Brunch!
Where: Morning Glory Cafe
When: Backdated to July 26th (oops!)
Rating: Harmless flirting, surely.
Status: Complete.

She arrived at the cafe on time to meet Kiernan. )