The City of Emillion

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Posts Tagged: 'quenten+delacreaux'

Aug. 4th, 2013



Who: Quenten Delacreaux and Storm Kapur
What: An afternoon hanging out & sharing dreams.
Where: Hellwyrm.
When: Friday, backdated.
Rating: PG.
Status: Complete!

It’s scary, Storm. My whole life is going to change. )

Aug. 2nd, 2013


I could follow you to the beginning...

Who: Quenten Delacreaux (Narrative)
What: Heating Water with Fire
Where: Mages Tower
When: Today, early afternoon
Rating: G
Status: Complete

just to relive the start )

Aug. 1st, 2013


Who: Quen & Pyr
What: Conversation and cookies
Where: Bahamut Hall
When: This afternoon
Rating: G
Status: Complete

He imagined a duel in a torchlit room, Quen versus a creepy smirking mage, both of them flinging fireballs and icicles at each other. )

Jul. 26th, 2013



Who: Everyone in the area.
What: A darkening cloud falls over the city.
Where: Tenement District.
When: Late evening.
Rating: R; violence.

On whose shoulders better to stand than those of the would-be gods! )

Jul. 23rd, 2013



Who: Everyone in the area (open group thread!)
What: A riot ensues.
Where: Bazaar District.
When: Afternoon.
Rating: PG; note if higher!

The fight was quick start and quicker to spread. )

Jul. 21st, 2013


Who: Cid & Quenten
What: Magical Experimentations (muahahaha)
Where: Cid's laboratory
When: Today
Rating: PG, probably
Status: In Progress

Cid wasn't just a spellcaster like some of the other mages. He was like her, full of curiosity and ideas. )

Jul. 18th, 2013



... For my monster from his slab, began to rise & suddenly to my surprise...

Who: Everyone in the area/Everyone who can get there!
What: The Lich.
Where: The Caves formerly known for fire!
When: Tonight.
Rating: R; violence!

The Lich was still a threat. )

Jul. 8th, 2013



Who: Peony & Quen
What: Done with Aero, on to Fire!
Where: A casting room
When: This afternoon
Rating: G
Status: Complete

It made Peony happy to see her pupil showing such rapid progress when her beginning had been so rocky. )

Jul. 4th, 2013


Who: Amy & Quen
What: Delivering books and catching up
Where: Mages Tower
When: Backdated - Wednesday
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

She had told Quen she'd be there by four but she had completely lost track of time and when she did remember and set off towards the Tower, she had to turn back and get that book she promised to bring because, stupidly, she completely forgot about it. )

Jun. 30th, 2013


Who: Liyal and Quen
What: Liyal has summon! Help, Quen, help!
Where: Quen's room
When: Afternoon
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

It's called Leviathan! )

Jun. 29th, 2013



last night, a little dancer came dancin' to my door

Who: Anyone who came to spectate/perform.
What: The Bards Guild's benefit gala.
Where: The Sphere.
When: 7:30pm.
Rating: Pending.
Status: Incomplete.

The show was about to begin. )

Jun. 23rd, 2013



Cold, dark sea, Wrapping its arms around me, Pulling me down to the deep...

Who: Everyone in the area/Everyone who can get there!.
What: There seems to be more trouble!
Where: Port of Good Hope/ The Docks OR The Beach nearby?! (It's like a choose your own adventure book~)
When: 3:49pm.
Rating: R; violence!

Not a single cloud lingered upon the horizon, boats rocked gently in the port as they had been tied to the docks and their anchors had been dropped. )


Jun. 22nd, 2013


I don’t believe in ghosts, but I’m afraid of ‘em.

Who: Stone and OPEN!!!
What: Out of morbid curiosity, Stone goes to survey the Commoners District after the attack.
Where: Various areas around the Commoners District.
When: 1 PM to 6 PM.
Rating: PG-13, because asking if Stone will use foul language is like asking if the sky is blue today.
Status: Incomplete.

Read more... )

Jun. 19th, 2013



i know you think that god will solve them

Who: Councilors Aspel Cassul, Drake Liu & Merrion Priddy and OPEN
What: Town Hall meeting
Where: Bahamut Hall
When: Gemini 30th, 7pm
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

He and Aspel had made sure to get there early - not necessarily to talk, but to help get things set up. )

Jun. 17th, 2013


Who: Quen and Liyal
What: Liyal had target practice and Quen was tired of being inside ... and likes fighters
Where: Rangers' Target Range
When: Early evening
Rating: PG
Status: Pending!


Another bullseye! The crowd cheered! The Marquis's beautiful daughter's handkerchief floated into his vision, carried on a breeze filled with rose petals. His long hair blew around his square face as he turned into the sunlight and the greatest warmth of all: applause.

Only three more rings in and he'd have it! Liyal pulled his last arrow back and kicked his string back and let it fly. Just the scantest bit inward. He sighed. Practice was hard. Most of the rangers made it so easy. Lille was at least a full circle better than him on a bad day. Didn't take much to hit a toad. You could throw the arrow and hit one! It just was never not embarrassing when you shot at a charging wolf and then dropped your bow because you had to grab for your dagger. Then having two guys with you drop it before you can get a hit in.

"Fu-fu-fu--pants!" He swore, looking at his dismal showing. Some mages would give their arms to do some magic and be able to shoot as well as him. Liyal just wanted to impress some girls. So far his magic nor his marksmanship was going to do it.

Loudly, he brushed his hands off - his signal to Quen that he was all done. It had been weird when she couldn't leave the Tower. He'd felt bad for her -- and relieved. That could have been him punished with her -- or worse, kicked out! The Mages' Guild wasn't the best place on earth, but dragons! girls! shiny things! girls who rode dragons!

He picked up his communicator before he grabbed his arrows and messaged her.

I give it all my oxygen to let the flames begin

Who: Quen and Peony
What: Aero lesson and a discussion over tea
Where: The Mages Tower
When: This afternoon
Rating: G
Status: Complete!

A successful spell was no longer a cause for excitement: it was expected. )

Jun. 15th, 2013


when reactions turn into hurricanes, and the middle comes, seems a little tame

Who: Quenten and Mama (Narrative)
What: Hiding Out
Where: Odds & Ends in the Commoners District
When: Friday night, during the attack
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Whether full or empty it's all the same )

Jun. 10th, 2013


All of the stars are wandering round tonight

Who: Quen and Cy
What: Going out on the town~
Where: Bazaar District and Theater District (not necessarily in that order)
When: Monday afternoon
Rating: PG
Status: Complete!

We used to try them on )

Jun. 5th, 2013


Who: Wil and Quen
What: Merri chose the library over Wil Wil finally has an excuse to loiter around the mage tower. There is trouble to be made!
Where: Somewhere in the mage's tower. Wil doesn't know what anything is yet. Some lobby.
When: Early evening
Rating: PG-13 for Wil's suggestive elements
Status: In progress

Oh, but he was getting some looks. Wil blew his third kiss of the night at some old Mystic who shot him a dirty look and scurried away. But not before her eyes dropped to the exposed bone of his hip. Sorry lady, those hips weren't for you. He thought something more low cut might inspire Merri since he always kept his hands just so over his belt. So, obvious, lower the belt!

Wil loved the mage tower. People were always trying to figure out crazy shit and you didn't have to do anything to get scowls, but nobody said nothing to you either. Plus, whenever he came by Merri fed him, like, literally, he could get fed -- Merri would put it in his mouth. His bed was amazingly comfortable, like floating in water with no effort. Wil hadn't tried his tub yet -- although he was tempted to see what happened if he just got undressed and waited for Merri in it. There was no place he thought you could get naked that would tempt Merrion Priddy more than being clean in a bathtub.

Still, Wil respected a person's first time and Merri was busy. So he'd sent him off to Ari (and the library) with a pat on his rump and a nibble on his ear, just to make sure he'd hurry back. Then went out exploring. He'd gotten to see a lot of the nicer parts of town, but the tower just wasn't that welcoming less you knew somebody. And he was the guest of a bloody fucking council member!

"'Ey! Lips!" Wil shouted, spotting a face he only barely recognized. Sucked to think it, but blind girl in a mage tower? Easy to spot! "Still hungover?" He asked, sauntering up to her when she didn't react at first. Well, no differently he saw than the rest of the lobby who turned to spare at the sudden outburst from the half-naked giant.

Jun. 2nd, 2013



Crash the best one, of the best ones, clear liquor and cloudy-eyed, too early to say good night...

Who: Ari & OPEN
What: Ari celebrates her independence birthday
Where: The Snuggly Duckling, of course.
When: Tonight, 8:00pm - ???
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete!

[[OOC: Just a post of people to tool around - with Ari or without her (but she's around for anyone who wants her!) - and have free drinks at the Duckling.]]

There was nothing quite like music, dancing, and good company. )