The City of Emillion

November 2020



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August 23rd, 2014



If I'm tellin the truth right now, do you believe it, Games people play in the middle of the night

Who: Reinholdt, & fellow party goers~
What: The Nobles Ball!
Where: Reinholdt’s Manor
When: Today! 7pm~
Rating: PG? (Mark threads as appropriate if ratings change)
Status: Incomplete!
Note: While this has been labeled as a “Nobles Ball” this is Reinholdt, let’s be real here everyone, he loves some entertainment. Nobles, tricksters, guards, etc, are all more than welcome here~ TGers! You're obviously all invited once again, now how you choose to get there, or how you choose to sneak in is up to you!

Reinholdt's estate was much as it was the year before. Mammoth, and clearly the outline of a madman. )



Who: Ari & Drake
What: Happy birthday, Drake! Let me be awkward at you!
Where: Drake’s apartment
When: Backdated to the evening of 8/9
Rating: PG-ish
Status: Complete

Then again, it was his birthday, which made ‘not-broken’ rather unlikely. )



I’ll take your need for something, and we can take our time...

Who: Ari & Aspel
What: They’re drunk, whoops.
Where: Aspel’s place
When: After the summer ball
Rating: R-ish. Not explicit but... yeah.
Status: IT’S A TRAP!

The evening had been pleasant enough. )



Who: Ceres & Cyrus
What: Meeting in the Barracks.
Where: Shieldwyrm.
When: Recently.
Rating: G for Grumpy
Status: Complete

“Narrow hallways in here,”  )



Tried to buy something to suit your taste, didn't quite know how...Here's your birthday present now~

Who: Aspel & Drake.
What: Drake's B-day~.
Where: Drake's apartment.
When: Drake's b-day! WHENEVER THAT WAS.
Rating: PG-13.
Status: Complete~!

“Unwrapping gifts is much easier that way, no?”  )