May 2013




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Aug. 28th, 2012


I can't sleep, who would like to work out or do something?

Aug. 3rd, 2012


Got myself one of these bad boys. Don't hate, appreciate. )

Jun. 21st, 2012


Anyone who wants to drink till they forget their name? Join me in my room. I'll supply the booze.

Doctors? You can stay out of it. It's called self-medication. Saves you time. Unless you wanna drink too. Then you can come.

Jun. 7th, 2012


Having a penis, not as cool as I thought it would be.

How in the hell do you keep your aim straight when you pee? I find it very challenging.

May. 21st, 2012


So...I want out for the day.

Any Doctor want to help me out with that? Cause if I stay here, walk the trail, around the building, I literally might exploded from boredom.

May. 17th, 2012


I need a sparing partner, who can take a hit and won't whine about it.

Any offers?

May. 7th, 2012


Gone from a loud night to a silent one is making me feel like we are in a bad horror movie.

Apr. 22nd, 2012


Anyone want to go around a couple of times in the gym?

I have some pent up enegry that I need to release, waste, doing whatever, I do want to spare though.

So bring it.

Apr. 15th, 2012


The Reuben sandwiches in this place are shameful.

Apr. 7th, 2012


I'm so bored in this place, even my dog is bored, chiilin on my bed.

I need some action, I need it now!

Apr. 2nd, 2012


I'm kinda getting a people are tense vibe. I give massages, just saying.

If you're tense and wanna feel less tense I can help with that.


Your beer is in progress. Hope you find it worth the wait.

[Past Dean]

Hey, can we talk about Sam? Think we should.


How're you doing?


Wow. Got so much to tell you. First up is there a room I can use when I need some... privacy?


So, horses. Wanna teach me how not to die on one?

Mar. 20th, 2012


Why the fuck is Cobb my room-mate? Is there nobody else in this entire bloody place that could have got stuck with him?

Mar. 19th, 2012


Apparently I finally snapped. Funny. I thought that fight would have done it. Wonder what actually did?

Mar. 15th, 2012


Come on! Seriously? That's it, I'm kicking some ass now. Hard. This place isn't for me. I'm not crazy. Well, not anymore. I used to be. But I'm better now.

Wouldn't be surprised the Senior Partners had something to do with this. They really must not want me to help my dad fight the Apocalypse.

Mar. 13th, 2012


For those who'd like their therapy in a more informal setting I'd like to have a little get together in the day room. 10 am daily.

Ladies especially encouraged.


What I wouldn't do for a smoke right now.

Can I at least smoke in this place?

Mar. 11th, 2012


This ain't cool at all. I don't even care what they think is wrong with me, I know I'm fine and that's all that matters.

FYI: I'm breaking out of here tonight.
