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Dec. 31st, 2012


Private to Daryl

Hi, you probably don't remember me. Seems like everyone I came in conta- But I'm Heather.

I wanted to apologize for my former friend. He's being a big jerk right now, but he's not always like that. He's just... I don't know what's wrong with him, other than he might have a big stick up his butt. So I'm not going to make excuses for him.

Once he's decided to stop being a horses rearend he'll probably feel bad for how he treated you. But he's a guy and probably wont ap Especially since you were just trying to be nice.

Dec. 28th, 2012


What is this? How did I get here?

Whoever is responsible, stop being a coward and make yourself known.

Dec. 26th, 2012


The fucking shit is this, then?

Oct. 24th, 2012


Okay as awesome as the drums are... Really the Lord of the Flies motif is great. But! They can stop now.

And for those who are sarcasm impaired. The drums suck. I'm just shy of gouging out my eardrums just so I don't have to hear them anymore.

Aug. 14th, 2012


I gotta blow of some steam, anyone out for sparing with me?

Jul. 24th, 2012


I decided maybe this place ain't so bad.

I got a warm bed to sleep in, hot showers in the morning. Hot food to eat, and there ain't no damn zombies.

Don't mean I like the idea of it, being kept here against my will and shit. But maybe it ain't so bad, after all.

Jul. 10th, 2012


I keep waiting for the bottom to fall out.

Jun. 26th, 2012


Private to Daryl. )

Private to Sweet Pea. )


Fascinating as it appeared, I am glad I managed to keep all my anatomy intact during that gender-swapping insanity.

Jun. 23rd, 2012


Hate to say, but at least the walkers gave us something to do.

Jun. 17th, 2012


I gotta say, I could get used to waking up with this woman, if it wasn't me.

I wish we had a shop class or something, I need something to do with my hands.

Jun. 7th, 2012


Oh Christ.

Does this happen often?

What the hell kind of place is this? One minute the nurse that brings me to my room is a woman, the next day she's a he?

I'm noticing patients that are females are now males? Anyone else stay... the same? I haven't changed. At least, I don't think I have.


I haven't.


What in the name of sweet zombie Jesus kind of drugs did you people slip me last night?!

Daryl, are you seeing what I'm seeing?


All right, then. Whatever this phenomenon is, it doesn't seem to be targeting any specific group.

Men and women have both been changed. Patients and staff are affected.

I'm organising a role call to see if we can figure this thing out, because...well, because I think we all, at least most of us, want to be back in our own skin.

I'd like everyone, staff and patient, to use the following format and reply:

Thank you. We will work to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible.

May. 18th, 2012


What the hell's this?

That's never happened before
Probably gonna need another drink

May. 11th, 2012


If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

Apr. 15th, 2012


The Reuben sandwiches in this place are shameful.

Mar. 24th, 2012


I really wish there was more to do here, or even if I could help in the kitchen...anything really.

Mar. 10th, 2012


I really don't need something like this, right now.