Drabble, Drabble, Toil and Trouble
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Monday, May 31st, 2021

    Time Event
    And that's a wrap for 2021!
    WE DID IT!!!!

    Thank you so much for coming with us on this year's crazy drabbling journey! Tallies and announcements will happen sometime this week. And now... SLEEP! *zonk*
    Drabble Day 2021: Masterlist
    Hello darlings, we hope you've caught up on some sleep! We assume after her little meltdown, Alexis is not up to presenting this year's Masterlist, so-


    Of course! You have been wonderful. We totally understand that 24 hours is a lot, especially when that time-stretching magic kicks in.

    Yes, and I probably should have read the brief before accepting the gig, but it was boring and anyway, I'm fine now! David and I have been catching up on drabbles-

    My dad has been mansplaining the concept of band AUs-

    Mom has been really sweet, which is, like, bizarre-

    And of course Twyla has been really helpful. Isn't she the sweetest?

    That's awesome. So you're up to the demanding task of presenting a really basic 24-item list?


    Alright, drabblers! You have just been SO creative these 24 hours and I am super-impressed with your immersive experience curating powers! I do have a few notes about broadening your audience base and maybe embracing the fact that we live in an Instagram world and your content is not optimally leveraged on an obsolete text-based platform... [Ahem. Alexis?] BUT I am told this is not the time for highly necessary brand invigoration, so whatevs! Let's talk TikTok later.

    But now, for easier reference in your reading/commenting pleasure, here is your Masterlist for Drabble Day 2021! Just click on the individual links for each hour and enjoy your catch-up!

    Hour 1: Quest

    Hour 2: Curse

    Hour 3: Superstition

    Hour 4: Tangled

    Hour 5: Fairy

    Hour 6: Labyrinth and Grimoire

    Hour 7: Heroine

    Hour 8: Fates

    Hour 9: Mirror

    Hour 10: Armour

    Hour 11: Runes

    Hour 12: Chimera and Wish

    Hour 13: Steed

    Hour 14: Castle

    Hour 15: Sacrifice and Poison

    Hour 16: Monster

    Hour 17: Siege

    Hour 18: Ring

    Hour 19: Ensorcelled

    Hour 20: Trials

    Hour 21: Orphan

    Hour 22: Spell

    Hour 23: Djinn and Oracle

    Hour 24: Happily Ever After

    Thank you! Tallies and announcements may take a little bit while your mods catch up on boring crap like sleep and work and eating. And dive back into all the drabbles they missed in between!

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