Drabble, Drabble, Toil and Trouble
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Saturday, November 5th, 2016

    Time Event
    Drabble Day Hour 2: Crumpet
    And here we go with that magical time of year where individual hours are suddenly over in approximately 13 seconds.

    Your second prompt is:

    I'd stay and chat, but I'm behind already! Keep 'em coming!

    Current Mood: busy
    Drabble Day Hour 4: Buns
    Honestly, how do you guys do this every year?? Have another prompt!

    Also, in case the instructions weren't clear enough:

    Also, Jamie Fraser's, ahem, buns, because that is apparently a thing you need:

    Current Mood: rushed
    Drabble Day Hour 6: Sprinkles!
    Halfway point! This calls for sprinkles:

    Also, you guys are being hella prolific and deserve cookies!

    All kinds of cookies.

    Drabble Day Hour 8: Frost
    Aaaah! Another one! DRABBLE FOR YOUR LIVES. This hour: Frost!

    Current Mood: cold
    Drabble Day Hour 10: Filling
    Double digits, people! YOU ARE ROCKING THIS!

    Your new prompt is "Filling":

    Also, eat some more waffles. You DESERVE them!

    Current Mood: stressed
    Drabble Day Hour 12: ALL RISE AND TOAST!!!
    Welcome, our busy bee drabblers, to our last hour of prompts!! To keep it at an even dozen, we are posting our final two prompts together, but remember you still have until 11 AM (GMT) TOMORROW i.e. 5 November to continue adding your drabbles.

    You have all once again surpassed yourselves! Thank you so much for your fabulous downpour of drabbles! <333333333 We will do some kind of wrap-up, tally and/or masterlist after the challenge officially ends, and after we have slept for eleventy hours. (I think Peeta was supposed to do some of the organisational crap but he seems to have absconded. Interns, you can't trust them!).

    YOU ARE ALL STARS! Your final two prompts are RISE and TOAST. Have at 'em!

    Current Mood: accomplished

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