Drabble, Drabble, Toil and Trouble
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Sunday, November 6th, 2016

    Time Event
    Drabble Day 2016: Masterlist
    Hello again!

    Congrats on a highly successful Drabble Day! The challenge itself is now closed (though feel free to keep drabbling if you haven't used up all your inspiration yet - it won't count towards the final tally but will still receive adoration). Stats will be announced in a few days, but we already know that we've had over 40 fandoms, which is just incredible! In the meantime, I am here today to present you with the official Masterlist and a few preliminary rewards. Because, contrary to certain allegations by certain mods, I did not merely abscond, I was BUSY.

    [Peeta darling? You're on fire again.]
    That's okay, that thing is flame-proof. Sometimes I wear it to bed.


    ANYWAY. Here is the Masterlist for the individual prompts (individual drabbles would be too bonkers even for us), and I've been baking a shitload of bread to celebrate it!

    Hour 1: Crumble

    Hour 2: Crumpet

    Hour 3: Knead

    Hour 4: Buns

    Hour 5: Burn

    Hour 6: Sprinkles

    Hour 7: Roll

    Hour 8: Frost

    Hour 9: Tart

    Hour 10: Filling

    Hour 11: Crust

    Hour 12: Rise and Toast

    So, that's pretty insane and impressive. Well done, all of you! Of course, you're going to need some cheese to go with all that bread.

    And naturally, I also made a few desserts.

    [Okay, okay, Peeta. You did good.]

    It was my pleasure! Oh, and some very nice but weird guys came by earlier to add this:

    And I made some of these...

    ...because a somewhat intense lady ordered 17 of them.

    There's... lots of whipped cream.

    O-kay. Treat yourselves, everyone! You've truly earned it.

    Current Mood: cheerful

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