Drabble, Drabble, Toil and Trouble
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Friday, November 4th, 2016

    Time Event
    Drabble Day Hour 1: Crumble
    It's time!

    Your mods have asked me to announce the first prompt with some (quote) crumbly goodness.

    And then they gave me these pictures too. I'm not really sure why.


    Current Mood: scared
    Drabble Day Hour 3: Knead
    I don't even know what's happening here anymore but here's your prompt:

    Drabble Day Hour 5: Burn
    Y'all are doing great! Peeta is momentarily indisposed, but he asked me to post your next prompt:

    If you need me, I'll be in the bar.
    Drabble Day Hour 7: Roll
    How is it that time again?!!!!

    Here's your prompt:

    Which means I can't resist this...

    even though Jessica thinks it's too corny...

    But you know...
    Drabble Day: Posting guidelines, theme, rules, try not to get killed, etc.

    Nice to see you folks! For those of you who don't know me, my name is Peeta Mellark and I've been asked by [info]lilithilien and [info]aldiara to help out with co-hosting Drabble Day this year. Apparently my profession and camera experience qualify me for this job, so of course I said yes!

    Most of you already know the drill, but we figured we'd still put out a reminder of how stuff works.

    Without further ado, let's do this thing.  )
    Drabble Day Hour 9: Tart
    The mods expect crack for this one, okay?

    Drabble Day Hour 11: Crust
    OMG you guys are literally insane! Here's the penultimate prompt:

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