January 4th, 2008

[info]themaninthemoon in [info]dm_ooc

Hello everyone!

It is shameful that I have not even introduced myself yet, and I am so sorry about that. I am Alison and this will be Remus as soon as I find him a PB (still very open to suggestions) and post his userinfo. Remus is currently chilling out doing Hogwarts and werewolf stuff. Except not so much with the chilling because obviously he is distraught about Kingsley and such. As the Tonks player mentioned already, there is no Teddy and no marriage. Other than that I don't think there's anything that varies dramatically from DH and the other books. I am internet-less until Monday after tonight, so most likely that is when I will get all of that up and write an entry for him.

As for me, I'm twenty one, though I have forgotten my age (REALLY forgotten, like for several minutes and had to sit there and try to work it out with math, not one of those brief lapses) more than once so it's possible that that is a lie. But I'm pretty sure it's not. I'm a student at University of Toronto, where I am doing a double major in World Religion and Psychology. During the summer I live in a corn field and work at a kid's theatre. But I need to find a new summer job because my boss at the theatre is an absolute shrew. At school I work as a residence Don which is fantastic good times because my residents are pretty much the most fabulous people ever. (We are the Arts and Culture floor and basically we do a lot of finger-painting and theatre-going which is very awesome.) Um. I am overly fond of musical theatre, I can solve a Rubik's Cube, and I am so excited about the amount of snow we've had this year because I love it. And that is all.

So hello! And sorry again.

January 2008

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