Aug. 23rd, 2010


Who: Hal and Rhea
Where: Rhea's apartment
When: Wednesday June 23, noonish
What: Rambo Hal saving Rhea, who may or may not be in mortal peril.

Who died and made you king of the zombies? )

Aug. 15th, 2010



better safe than sorry

Aug. 7th, 2010



Just in case Rhea & Hal need one for this day. It's good to be safe. lol.

Jul. 14th, 2010


Who: Hal and Rhea
Where: Movie theaters
When: Friday June 11, 2010, afternoon
What: Hal and Rhea go to the movies separately and wind up sitting next to each other.

Who actually goes to the movies to watch the movie anyway? )

Jun. 16th, 2010



Insert Rhea solo here. Aziz... LIGHT!!! *too much Fifth Element watching*

Jun. 10th, 2010


Who: Hal Patton and Rhea Bennett
Where: a street in Lakeview
When: Thursday June 3, 2010 afternoon
What: Hal and Rhea just so happen to visit the street they used to live on at the same time.

Not really home anymore )

Jun. 7th, 2010


Who: Hal Patton and Rhea Bennett
Where: Rhea's apartment
When: Wednesday, June 2, 2010, evening
What: Hal tries to sneak Rhea some chocolates only to get Rhea.

You fail at being a ninja that's for sure )

Jun. 4th, 2010



Who: Rhea
Where: her apartment
When: nearly midnight
What: Rhea watches the news, is baffled by the strobe lighting electricity dance party that is New Orleans, and then promptly passes out in pain.

Currently Rhea was holed up in her apartment on the third floor. She was watching the news with great fascination, her thumbnail wedged in between her teeth as she worried at it. Her stomach did flips as she watched the people on her television desperately try to get close to whatever the hell it was that launched itself into the New Orleans soil.

Just as the reporter was about to describe what the thing looked like, her television set turned off. The electricity within her apartment quickly followed and all she could do was sit in the dark in silence, wondering what the hell just happened.

“Uh…” she said out loud without realizing it before she stumbled from the couch.

Her toe caught on something and she flew across the room toward the window with a thud. She shrieked in surprise, but before she could focus on it more, lights slowly flickered on in the distance. There was a quiet hum as the electricity turned itself back on for a moment. It was just long enough for her to sigh in relief before it turned itself off again.

“…” Rhea looked at the ceiling and blinked for a second.

It hummed again and the lights were on! Yay!

They went off again. Boo!

On. Off. On. Off. On-off-on-off-on. She contemplated digging through her closet so she could find her glowsticks from when she saw Aladdin on ice.

At this rate, she was going to get seizures!

“Stop this madness!!!” she yelled into the darkness.

All was quiet. She paused for a moment. There was noises from the apartments above, below, and around her. Quiet talking. Dogs barking. Scared children muttering to their parents. Things seemed fine for the moment at least.

She spoke too soon. There was an even louder hum and then a loud cracking sound before the electricity turned off for a final time. But with this came a headache of the absolute worst proportions. The pain was blinding. Throbbing. It made her drop to her knees and hold her head as dizziness overwhelmed her. Tendrils of blackness crept up on the edges of her vision, slowly swallowing up all that she could see until there was nothing but darkness.

Quiet, painful, lonely darkness.

Jun. 1st, 2010


Who: Rhea & Aaron
Where: Tulane Campus Starbucks
When: 3pm+
What: Rhea just got off work & is reading while enjoying a frappuccino.

Her small, fragile-looking hand swept through her hair as she took a sip of her strawberries and cream frappuccino. That was the only upside to working at Starbucks. Rhea got a discount on the goods. Fortunately, she just got off of work for the day and was having a moment to herself before she had to head back to her apartment.

Too much was going through her mind at the moment. Her mother had called earlier in the day asking her about how she was doing. Rhea didn't tell Silvie the complete truth, but she did let her know that she was feeling down. How could she tell her mother that people tended to avoid her? It made her sound like a child and that was the last thing that she wanted. Yes, she was an incredibly nice person, but something about her tended to make others avoid her. This was why she got along better with her dog, Pancake. At least she was a good listener...?

She sighed, her head smacking down onto her folded arms as her book fell onto the table. This was the last thing she needed to be contemplating. It made her feel like a jerk.