April 28th, 2011

[info]becomedeath in [info]devolve2


It had been a long day, he'd gone into the city with one of the scavenging teams and he'd be going back out with the other one tomorrow. He figured Josh had probably had a long day too, and he'd been kind of pathetically pleased when he'd agreed to Kevin's suggestion of getting together to watch a movie in his room after dinner. He'd considered suggesting watching in the lounge, but in his room he knew everything was safe to touch and he could actually relax and just enjoy the movie...and Josh's company.

He had a pretty giant stack of dvds on top of the television, to maximize the chance of finding something they'd both like, and he'd changed into soft fleece sweats and a not quite matching hoodie, with the lightest pair of gloves he had. Now all it needed was Josh...and possibly for the butterflies in his stomach to stop fluttering quite so madly.