April 26th, 2011

[info]comeonbetsy in [info]devolve2


Betsy's day had been dragging on so slowly, and she'd had a headache for much of it, and it was just one of those sort of frustrating days. To keep herself busy, she decided to redo the inventory of the store rooms. Her attempt at finding a distraction was really what it came down to in the end, and that was the major reason she decided to appropriate the few extra bottles of schnapps she found in a dusty back corner.

Mint. The worst kind. But still, she finished taking inventory and then unscrewed the bottle, drinking almost half in one vile go. She had learned in college the therapeutic properties of getting really, really drunk every so often. It would do wonders for her mental well being, she thought, to just let loose for one night without constantly worrying about everything all the time.

She'd scrounged up a Dazzler CD a day or two ago, and now she put it in the boom box someone had stuck in the gym. The bottle was almost gone already, though it was a small one, and so she found another and then clicked it back to her favourite song to sing along.

Standing on a workout bench, Betsy sang into her freshly opened bottle like it was a microphone, shimmying her hips as she got to the chorus. There was a smile on her face as she started to relax, and she knew this had been a good idea, even if it meant she was drinking minty liquor alone in a basement. At least it was the basement of the building she believed housed the only hope the human race had left. This was her life now, in this place without any of the people she'd thought would be in her life. But that was okay, because there were new people around, new people who were worth knowing.