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January 7th, 2009 6:31 pm
Claim: Akanishi Jin [
[ mood | pensive ]

Player's Name: Jixie
Character's Name: Akanishi Jin
Character's IJ: [info]jixie_the_pixie
Nationality: Japanese
What are they from? KAT-TUN

Human/Mutant/Vampire: Vampire
Background: Narcissistic bastard )

Preferred RP Style: Paragraph over IJ (I don't even have AIM)
Anything Else: I tend to go insane once in awhile and make Jin really weird when I play him... so uh, sorry? ^^;

25 mutant strains      mutate     

January 7th, 2009 8:47 pm
claim: lee jaejin [
[ mood | crazy ]

Player's Name: Hello Kitty :| XDDDD;
Character's Name: Lee JaeJin
Character's IJ: [info]jinnieinabottle Thank you Mica :D
Nationality: Korean
What are they from? FT Island! Oh if it only were an island~

Human/Mutant/Vampire: Mutant
Ability: The ability to insert sexual thoughts in ones mind and get stronger by feeding off someone's pleasure. AKA Incubus JaeJin. Will get further explained XD

Read more... )

Preferred RP Style: Paragraph
Anything Else: I BLAME THIS ALL ON KAJI D: And Mica for making up the journal name and impossible to resist.

10 mutant strains      mutate     

[ viewing | January 7th, 2009 ]
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