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January 8th, 2009 6:24 pm
Claim: Hyde [
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | Atsushi Sakurai - Wakusei (Last Supper Mix) ]

Player's Name: tetsu_sama69
Character's Name: Hyde
Character's IJ: <lj user="tetsu_sama69">
[info]name Nationality: japanese
What are they from? L'Arc~en~Ciel, HYDE, VAMPS

Human/Mutant/Vampire: Vampire


Hyde grew up as an only child in Japan until he was 15 when they moved to New York. He lived with them on the outskirts of the city struggling to adapt cause no one accepted him cause he was a shy teenager who wasn't into all the same stuff as all the rest of the boys at his school. Because of that he learned to live with little to no friends and still rarely lets anyone get close to him.

 When he turned 18 his parents died in a car accident and he moved into the busy city to get away from the life he had before. While living by himself he got himself involved with the underground music scene floating with a few different bands as a singer and a guitarist. But he soon gave up the lifestyle when he got involved with one of his fellow bandmates and ended up being removed from the band and rejected when things went sour.

 He remained constant in the underground scene but never joined another band keeping to himself. He has a bad habit of drowning out his sorrows with alcohol and one night or woman. He is very hesitant when it comes to making friends cause all of his relationships platonic or otherwise have had a bad habit of falling apart.

 He despises his exsistance as vampire since he was turned cause someone changed him just to "keep a pretty little thing" like him alive. Yet he's too afraid to end his life cause he feels there's some meaning out there for him, he just doesn't know what it is yet. He also has a bad habit of not drinking for days worried that it will in some way take away what little "humanity" he has left in him.

Preferred RP Style: Paragraph

Anything Else:
I play as hyde in another paragraph type RP on a forum. I apologize for the shortness of the claim post. But I can't wait to start.

25 mutant strains      mutate     

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