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January 6th, 2009 12:06 pm
Claim: Hitomi Yoshizawa [
Player's Name: Your friendly forest friend!
Character's Name: Hitomi Yoshizawa
Character's IJ: [info]bossiyossi
Nationality: Japanese
What are they from? Former Morning Musume member.

Human/Mutant/Vampire: Human
Ability: --
Background: Read more... )

Preferred RP Style: It should be obvious.
Anything Else: I know nothing about her really so I apologize beforehand if I butcher her 8Dv And first girl woo!
2 mutant strains      mutate     

January 6th, 2009 3:31 pm
Claim: Choi Jonghoon [
[ mood | awake ]

Player's Name: dies dont kill me D:
Character's Name: Choi Jonghoon
Character's IJ: [info]bokchoi
Nationality: Korean
What are they from? Fail leader of FT Island

Human/Mutant/Vampire: Mutant
Ability: Master of the cloud! I dont know what else to call it D:
Background: Another one ._. )

Preferred RP Style: Does anyone even do anything other then paragraph over IJ?
Anything Else: Dies hes too much cute for me D:

22 mutant strains      mutate     

[ viewing | January 6th, 2009 ]
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