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Time:07:14 pm
I took an unannounced hiatus from the internet, and I have to apologize for that, but I'm back now - just barely in time for the most brutal holiday event ever. I hope you folks are ready for it:


Like the others, this is a community-wide (and beyond) event. I want to see stories, drawings, Deth-o-Lanterns, pictures of you douchebags in Dethklok-themed costumes, Dethcandy, ANYTHING YOUR SICK TWISTED MINDS CAN COME UP WITH. You have eleven days from the posting of this entry to get something in. GO GO GO.

Halloween.* Duh. That can mean costumes, horror stories, any kind of spooky shit, or just something vaguely related like candy. This holiday is being dedicated to William Murderface, but he does not have to be in your submission at all. I just decided that every character should get a holiday dedicated to them, and it just so happens that Murderface got this one. If you don't think he deserved it, take it up with him.

Ratings and subject matter are up to you and what you're personally comfortable with. Quality of work is also up to you, and how much effort you put in and your skill level. I don't judge. Seriously. I post any and all submissions, though if it's something that somehow insults another member of the fandom personally (unlikely, but possible I guess), then I will veto it. We don't like to hurt feelings here.

Do you have to be a comm member in order to participate? No. I will love you anyway, and post your hard work regardless.

Can you post something you submit here elsewhere? Sure. This isn't for a prize or competition, this is strictly to show off. So if you want to send me something that fits in with the theme that you posted on some other website, I won't mind. I might not have seen it, anyway. XD

WHERE do you send submissions? Why, you just email them to me at: twilight_speaks@yahoo.com

*I will also except Día de los Muertos for the theme, even though I know it has nothing to do with Halloween. Just 'cause I think that'd be awesome.

Submissions are due to me by NOVEMBER 1st (Dia De Los Muertos), to give people an extra day in the middle of all this Halloweening to send me their submissions. I will make the post on just before midnight on November 1st (technically November 2nd), so you have most of Sunday to get it in.
Corpses: 3 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

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Time:08:26 pm
Dethklok Summer Explosions!

It's our summer holiday event! This year our theme was American patriot, and we dedicated the day to Nathan Explosion (for obvious reasons). Next year, I think the theme should be ridiculous swimsuits, personally. There weren't nearly as many speedos as I was hoping for. Anyway, on with the show!

A Drabble & A Half by TwilightSpeaks (exactly 150 words of summer heat) )
Nathan and Cheerleader!Toki by NarretTwist (PG art) )
An Explosion Family Holiday by AlwaysASnapeFan (PG13 fic) )
Patriotic Gary (and Charles) by TerryxArt (G art) )
Smutty Sketches (and non-smutty sketches) by SuviPaju )
I Wants to Play a Game (ficlet by Zsomeone )
G-Rated Summer Art by AlwaysASnapeFan )
A Fireworks' Display of OCs by NarretTwist )
Confederate Cameron art by NarretTwist )
Nathan Lighting Fireworks art by Nasasie )
Summer Event Sum-Up fic by Zsomeone )
Dethklok Summer Matching Game (art by Ryals_Shoal> )

And that's it! You guy's really pulled it off for me this time 'round. A huge THANKS to everyone who participated!

If you look at this, please leave a comment to show your appreciation for this effort. You guys are all awesome. I'll see you in October!
Corpses: 16 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Time:04:29 pm
(Please read and spread this news around. ^.^)

Dethslash Community July Holiday Event!

The general themes are summer and American Patriot. We want hot, sweaty guys. We want firecracker mishaps. We want stars and stripes. Red, white, and blue (bruises count). Chocolate chip Murdercookies! Make your own Murderkite! Cheap beer and apple pie! Anything along those lines! Let your imagination run wild; if involves Dethklok, it's golden.

Art, fic (drabbles or ficlets only, please, for posting length reasons), icons, photographs of cosplay... anything appropriately themed and Dethklok-related will be accepted and praised.

We are dedicating this holiday to Nathan Explosion, but he doesn't have to be the focal point of your piece. I repeat: This is Nathan's holiday, but he does NOT have to be your submission unless you want him to be.

(Dedicating the holidays to main characters just seemed fair, since I plan for 6 holiday events a year, and there are 6 main characters, counting Ofdensen. Valentine's Day = Skwisgaar, St. Patrick's Day = Pickles, Syttende Mai = Toki, etc.)

Like all of our past holiday events, submissions (and questions) can be emailed to me at: twilight_speaks@yahoo.com!

The Due Date is JULY 23RD! I repeat, ALL SUBMISSIONS ARE DUE ON JULY 23RD at midnight (western pacific time). You can turn them in as early as you want, but no late submissions will be accepted.

On July 24th, I'll post a mass post of all the submissions that were sent in and everyone can ogle and awe appropriately.

This is the last holiday to tide us over until the Halloween Event in October, guys, so I hope that you can find a way to participate. If you know of anyone who'd like to play with us, point them our way! You do not have to be a member of Insanejournal or this comm to submit something to an event. (However, comm members do get special treatment from me simply because they're comm members, so if that's an incentive to join... well, please do! The more, the merrier. XD) I know where in a between-seasons slump, but spread the word, get excited, go forth and create, people!
Corpses: 9 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

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Subject:Community Holiday/Events
Time:04:06 pm
Syttende Mai/May Masquerade Artists and Authors are now unmasked!

Click here to check it out! Leave comments!

Thanks again to those of you who participated!

Our next community holiday will be in July. I'm thinking a 4th of July theme, but maybe have it due on the 14th so that people have plenty of time to work on submissions? We're in brainstorm session right now, so let me know what you want to do/how you want to do it. Here are the ideas thus far:

Central Character: Nathan Explosion or Charles Ofdensen or both?
(Again, just like with every other holiday event, submissions won't have to revolve around the central theme or character. It's just helpful for people when they're coming up with ideas to have one, I think.)

General Theme: American Patriotic. (CFO wearing a stars and stripes tie. Dethklok setting off fireworks. General Crozier on an American Flag background. Barbecues and apple pie. That sort of thing. Oh, and slash. Everything needs slash. Or het! Draw a picture of Mr. and Mrs. Explosion making out. I will post it.)

Submitting Style: ??? How do you guys want to do this one? We can do it the way we have been and you can email me submissions, and I'll put them in one mass post for everyone. I can put a post up on the fourth and you guys can have until the fourteenth to put your submissions in the comments yourself. We can do a prompt list, we can do it anonymously, we can do it all kinds of ways. It's your comm as much as mine, so I'm open to suggestions.
Corpses: 4 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

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Subject:Syttende Mai Post
Time:05:24 pm
Happy Norwegian Constitution Day, everyone!

In honor of our favorite Norwegian, we held a May Masquerade! Not everyone had time to submit, but I'm very grateful to those who did. You guys rock! Because there were fewer submissions for this holiday, I gave everything its own cut-tag. The fics are separated with pics (relevent or no), and I'm very happy with the submissions we got! Right now the authors and artists are "masked", and will remain so until this coming Friday (that's the "masquerade" part of our masquerade). If anyone would like to "unmask" themselves by responding to comments about their work, go ahead (once you do, I will edit this to put your name in the actual post). Please take a look and enjoy what we've put together for this, the most Norwegian of days. XD

The Masquerade - an NC17 Toki and Skwisgaar story. )
Labyrinth!Skwisgaar G-rated Illustration. )
Excerpts from the Diary of Winklebung, Native Son of Norway (PG13 Illustrated fic) )
Sweet Dreams - A PG13 Toki/Pickles Fic )
NC17 Bukkake!Toki Illustration )
G-rated Proud Norwegian Illustration )
G-rated Dethklok in Norwegian Garb )

And that's it! Please comment if you see anything you dig, and next year I hope to see some horned helmets (even if they are inaccurate). ^.~
Corpses: 4 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

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Subject:Two Week's Notice!
Time:03:22 pm
Just two weeks (fourteen days) until the Syttende Mai entries are due! A huge thanks to the couple of things sent in already.

After that, did you folks want to plan for something in early or mid July?
Corpses: 4 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Time:01:33 pm
Current Mood:busy
I'm happy to see more stories getting posted here, although it's sad that dethslash.com seems to no longer be with us.

However, I'm posting now to talk to you about syttende mai, or May 17th. It's Norwegian Constitution Day, so obviously a community holiday event is in order, right? I thought so, too!

The Theme is May Masquerade:

- Art, icons, ficlets, pictures of truly brutal cookies... anything goes, so long as it is somehow related to Dethklok. Bonus points for including Toki and/or Norway in some way. Extra bonus points for Toki's parents. (If you want to play on the "masquerade" theme itself, that is also fine!)

- As with all of our holiday events, you don't have to include anything regarding the holiday itself in the story or image. It's totally up to you. It doesn't matter if you've never heard of Norwegian Constitution Day before now, we still want you to participate! All you need is a love of Dethklok, and a little extra love for Toki doesn't hurt with this one.

- All submissions will be due to me on MAY 16th!
Email me your image or word files
, along with who you are and the title of your piece (otherwise I will make up a title which may or may not be clever). If you don't want people to ever know who you are, that can be arranged by not including your name.

- On the 17th, I will post everything anonymously. That's the "masquerade" part. Feel free to speculate about who did what. Guess! Have fun with it. At the end of that week, we'll reveal all of the participant's names (unless someone opts to stay anonymous, in which case the mystery will never be solved... but we'll see if that happens).

- This is not a "prompts" or "request" event so much as it is a celebration of all things Norwegian and May, but if you have ideas for specific stuff you'd like to see but don't feel that you can pull off yourself, you can comment to this post with them - anonymously or not - in the hopes that it inspires someone down the road. I keep record of all prompts, so even if it isn't fulfilled now, it might be useful later!

Any questions? GO FORTH AND ASK!!! You shall be answered.
Corpses: 22 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Subject:Upcoming Holiday Event!
Time:03:43 pm
Current Mood:curious
Thank you again to everyone who participated in St. Patrick's Day. It ended up being a lot better than I thought it would! We're going to take a break for April (please don't let that stop you from posting Dethklok-themed easter eggs or drawings of characters in bunny ears, though... all posts - discussion posts, fanfics, fanart, and anything else - are always welcome, so long as they're in some way related to our favorite band).

The next Holiday Event will be in mid May! [info]nasasie suggested syttende mai, or Norwegian Constitution Day, and I really liked that idea. I thought we could do a "May Masquerade" for May 17th. Here's how it would work:

Instead of doing a prompt or request list, we all have until May 17th to create artwork or fanfics that in some way involve Toki or his parents (or Norway in general - if you want to just draw Skwisgaar saying something disparaging about Norwegians, or whatever, that'd be fine, too). The submissions don't have to be about the holiday itself, they should just have something to do with a Norwegian. All submissions will be due on the 16th and posted anonymously on the 17th, after which people will have a week to guess who did what. At the end of the week (Saturday, the 22nd), there will be a reveal of who was responsible for what piece (unless for some reason someone wants to stay anonymous, in which case they can if they want to).

Now, the method of posting would be up to you guys. Do you think I should post all of the submissions together, the way I did for Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day? The other options would be to post them over several individual posts, or to start a post that you guys would respond to, posting your submissions yourselves in the comments. Kind of like you would with an anonymous kink meme. I'm worried that might get confusing that way, though, and lead to some pieces being overlooked. What do you think? Suggestions? Better ideas? Let me know. ^.^
Corpses: 4 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

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Subject:A Very Irish Dethklok!
Time:12:33 am
Happy St. Patrick's Day, Everybody!

What better ways to celebrate the month of March than with green booze, drunken hijinks and four-leaf clovers? I can't think of any (but, then, I am very Irish... American). Whether or not you're celebrating, I hope you find something in this post to smile about. We have artwork, icons, and fic from our fellow Dethklok fans, some of which correspond to specific prompts from our anonymous prompt list. Others, not so much... but I'd say they were all inspired. ^.^

Title: St. Patrick's Day Submissions
Artists/Authors: Varied
Ratings: PG-13 to NC17 (for booze, sex, etc...)
Warnings: Random order, image-heavy, long.... Did we mention that some of it is NC17 and therefore not safe for work?

On with the show!!! And once again, thanks a ton to everyone who participated in this. )
Corpses: 20 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Subject:St. Patrick's Day Prompt List
Time:04:21 pm
St. Patrick's Day Prompts/Requests )

All submissions are due by midnight on March 16th

They will be posted in a mass post on March 17th, St. Patrick's Day.

Submissions can be anything - drawings, fics (may have to be posted separately, if they are more than 500 words), icons, screencaps, pictures of cookies, yarn and glue projects... whatever your heart desires, so long as the end result is a virtual gift (something that can be emailed). Submissions do not have to correspond to specific prompts, those are merely anonymous requests and suggestions from others. Email all submissions to twilight_speaks@yahoo.com or link to them in a comment to this post (all comments will be screened, to make this one more of a surprise).

If you have a request or prompt to add to the list, you can comment here, as well. The deadline for requests/prompts is Monday, March 9th.
Corpses: Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Subject:St. Patrick's Day Suggestion Box
Time:05:50 pm
I know Valentine's day was yesterday, and our brains are probably still fried from that, but I wanted to get the ball rolling on this one early since we're going to be doing it a little differently.

Here's the deal:

This post is an anonymous request box. All comments are being screened. Do you have a St. Patrick's-themed image you'd like to see drawn? A favorite pairing that you'd like to read about having drunken, sloppy sex? A favorite character who you think should be picking four-leaf clovers and getting lucky? Any Irish (or Irish-American) suggestions, whatsoever?

Well, then, make a St. Patrick's Request here! No matter how strange, perverse or silly - slash or non-slash. You won't be judged! At the end of the month, I will post a master list of these prompts for people to use as inspiration. On March 17th, I will make a collective post with everyone's St. Patrick's Day submissions. If you see your anonymous prompt answered, you can choose whether or not to speak up and claim it as yours or stay silent and just bask in the fact that it saw fruition.

This will work similarly to the Valentine collection in that you do not have to make anything to get your request filled, but the more submissions we have the more awesome it'll look. By commenting here you are only offering prompts, and not committing yourself to anything. Feel free to submit as many suggestions as you want. No upper limit!

(Green is my personal favorite color, and St. Patrick's Day happens to be in my birthday week, so I hope to see some greatness come out of this. Let's get brainstorming!)
Corpses: Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

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Subject:A Very Dethslash Valentine's!
Time:11:59 pm
Title: Valentines to and from Dethklok Community Members
Artists/Authors: Varied
Rating: G-NC17
Warnings: Lots of images. Some sketchiness/unfinished art (but still fun). A lot of nudes. Most pairings. SO MUCH SLASH. And violence towards mermaids. Roughly in order that they were submitted. Literally something for EVERYONE (interest-wise, anyway - you didn't get a valentine if you've never posted an introduction post, and never told us what you'd want - I'm sorry).

A Huge THANK YOU to Everyone Who Participated! )
Corpses: 51 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Subject:More V-Day Prompting
Time:03:26 pm
Valentine Suggestions:
Drawings, drabbles or ficlets (say about 500 words or less), icons, screenshots, photoshopped screenshots, collages, a scan or photo of a construction paper heart with character names on it, macaroni murder ladies, basically whatever you want to make!

Submission Rules:
The end result should be a virtual gift - generic or user-specific. It can be as rough or as polished as you like. Stick figures are fine. A screencap of Murderface puking with the text "Happy Puke Day" (preferably in pink) is also fine. Funny, cutesy, sappy, pornographic... whatever you're moved to do.

You can post your submission/s (or a link to your submission if you're keeping it off-site) yourself at any time between now and Valentine's day in a comment to this entry (so I don't miss it), or email it directly to me at twilight_speaks@yahoo.com. The due date is February 14th, 11:59 pm Pacific Time. I'll make a post of all the gifts collected together on Sunday, the 15th, at 12:00 am, my time.

Community Member Requests and favorites, if you want to make specific valentines for any of our members or want pairing suggestions. )

For those of you who just want ideas for a general valentine that isn't for any specific member:

The most common favorite pairings so far - Nathan and Toki, Nathan and Murderface, Toki and Skwisgaar

The most common favorite characters - Nathan, then Murderface, with Toki, Skwisgaar and Charles tying for third, and poor Pickles in the rear. How did that happen?

Or just do a valentine for your own favorite character or pairing. It's up to you! We'll take anything. XD
Corpses: 20 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

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