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Subject:Community Holiday/Events
Time:04:06 pm
Syttende Mai/May Masquerade Artists and Authors are now unmasked!

Click here to check it out! Leave comments!

Thanks again to those of you who participated!

Our next community holiday will be in July. I'm thinking a 4th of July theme, but maybe have it due on the 14th so that people have plenty of time to work on submissions? We're in brainstorm session right now, so let me know what you want to do/how you want to do it. Here are the ideas thus far:

Central Character: Nathan Explosion or Charles Ofdensen or both?
(Again, just like with every other holiday event, submissions won't have to revolve around the central theme or character. It's just helpful for people when they're coming up with ideas to have one, I think.)

General Theme: American Patriotic. (CFO wearing a stars and stripes tie. Dethklok setting off fireworks. General Crozier on an American Flag background. Barbecues and apple pie. That sort of thing. Oh, and slash. Everything needs slash. Or het! Draw a picture of Mr. and Mrs. Explosion making out. I will post it.)

Submitting Style: ??? How do you guys want to do this one? We can do it the way we have been and you can email me submissions, and I'll put them in one mass post for everyone. I can put a post up on the fourth and you guys can have until the fourteenth to put your submissions in the comments yourself. We can do a prompt list, we can do it anonymously, we can do it all kinds of ways. It's your comm as much as mine, so I'm open to suggestions.
Corpses: 4 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

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Subject:Two Week's Notice!
Time:03:22 pm
Just two weeks (fourteen days) until the Syttende Mai entries are due! A huge thanks to the couple of things sent in already.

After that, did you folks want to plan for something in early or mid July?
Corpses: 4 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

Subject:Open Valentine* Request Post
Time:07:20 pm
Instead of doing a Valentine* exchange, I thought I'd just have it out in the open. Nobody is obligated to create Valentine* pictures or ficlets for anyone, but since it's coming up I thought I'd make a post for prompts. I have two questions to ask:

1. If you were to get a Valentine*, what would you want the theme of it to be?

Do you have a favorite character or pairing?

For instance, I like to get anything with Ofdensen. Specifically, Skwisgaar and Ofdensen. But Skwisgaar/Murderface is coming up to be a close second, as far as my pairings go.

What are yours?

2. Assuming not everyone can draw or write fanfic (for whatever reason), what other Valentines* can we exchange?

If anyone is willing to make a couple of pairing icons, for example, that would be pretty awesome.

(And yes, I fully intend to make a Valentine of some sort for everyone who responds to this post. If you have the time, please feel free to do the same. XD ALSO: If you don't have time to do them for other people in the comm, then you can just make a Valentine for your own personal OTP or favorite Metalocalypse character. Actually, would you guys like that? I could make a general Valentine post when we get closer to the day, for people to respond to. Or you could all send your Valentines to my email and I'll post them on the 14th all in a big post. Or... whatever you guys think. XD)

*I know that not everyone likes Valentine's day. Some people actively hate it. SO, if that's the case, you can feel free to use the term "Fuckings Day" or whatever to replace it.
Corpses: 9 corpses or Die for Dethklok Add to Memories Tell a Friend

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