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Back May 15th, 2008 Forward

Dear You,

You made my year tonight. I know we didn't do much. You dropped by unexpectedly, we drove over to your place, spent all the time with the kids. Still, it felt right. And then when we drove back to my place so you could drop me off, the hour-and-a-half-long talk about just everything without actually saying the specific words. The realization that we both came to, not wanting to find someone new that will only disappoint. Just something like what we have. The friendship, knowing each other's good and bad sides, and just being comfortable in each other's presence. I thought at the moment, this is perfect, we acknowledge but we don't outright say it. Sometimes, you don't need the words.

So, thank you for making my day a perfect one. I've been waiting over a decade for the realization, and even if we never follow through, at least we had the moment where everything was clear.

With all my being,

Current Mood: pleased pleased
Current Music: Foo Fighters - Come Alive
balinesenoneko [userpic]
To all the animals of the house:

Dear Sox,

Stop using my butt as a landing cushion. I know it's fluffy, but so are you and it hurts. Also: Waking me up by jumping donw on my butt will not make me get up and feed you any earlier. In fact, any and all attempts to be fed earlier will result in my dragging my heels. So there.

Love and kisses,

The girl whose ankles you sleep on and, sometimes, gnaw on


Try swatting the puppy if he comes to close to you; Sox does it and he leaves her alone. You don't and he thinks you're playing and runs after you and noses you. Either play with him or attack him, okay? Also, when we're taking the dogs for a walke, you're not invited. Either stop following us or let us catch you, m'kay?

Love and kisses,

The girl who finally cornered you and trapped inside


What can I say? You're such a lovable dog. ^^

Love and kisses for listening to me and being a good girl ^^

The girl whose bed you steal


I don't care how excited you are to get out of the workshop every morning, my bedroom is not a pitstop. Nothing's worse than stepping in a patch of pee, okay?

On the other hand, you're pretty damn cute and loving, so . . . we'll see, puppy, we'll see.

Love and hugs and kisses and also random noogies,

The one who calls you Alice

Current Music: Two-Mix - Just Communication - English
記憶したか? [userpic]

Dear Mary,

I fucking hate you.
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Back May 15th, 2008 Forward