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Back March 13th, 2008 Forward
Bekah Rose [userpic]

Dear Drew... And Pots...


I am so tired of the war being waged on my inbox on a weekly basis because neither of you can grow the fuck up and act like the adults you claim to be. I'm sick and tired of having to check with J to check with T to make sure none of us inadvertently step on your mother freakin' toes! Well, guess what. I'm not doing it any more. The next time someone "takes a pot shot" at either of your sorry asses, it's going to be me. And, I can already tell you, J will back me up because I am a bitch, and bitches get shit done whether you fucking like it or not.



Current Mood: pissed off pissed off

Dear you, and you, and maybe even you too,

Either be in my life or stay out of it. I'm sick of the half-assery. I'm sick of "sometime" friends, I'm sick of people only remembering I exist when they need my help somehow.

To be honest I wish some of you would just cut the strings and leave me the hell alone, especially the ones closest to me, because it's hard knowing you live so close but never come to visit me when you're in the exact same apartment complex visiting others, and you're always too busy for me. Hello, I live here too. Then you have to act all surprised when we finally do get together, "oh I haven't seen you for ages!" Oh really? Gee, I wonder why that is.

As for the other two, I'm sick of talking to you and then you stop talking to me for months and then suddenly you appear in my life again and expect our relationship to be exactly how it was when you disappeared (without a word). Newsflash: on my side, it's NOT. Next time this happens (and I'm sure it will), I won't answer your offline messages. It's time for me to be 'busy' now.

Extremely disappointed,

Dear Self,

Grow a pair and stop letting people treat you badly and walk all over you. You don't have to take anyone's crap simply because you think it'll make them love you more and stick around. You already know it doesn't work. You'll thank me for this later.

Much Love,

Current Mood: bitchy bitchy

Dear math class,

You are the worst class I have ever had to bare. I feel like a complete idiot every time the teacher reads off tests grades, and I have a horrendous score.

No, this is not a matter of 'try harder' since I've been working my butt off whilst seeing a tutor.

To be honest, when you're over, I won't miss you even a smidgen.

The only thing I could thank you for is the near-silent environment I have to stand you in. At least the majority of the class is freshmen, and they fear talking due to the teacher's wrath.

Wishing I just understood you,

Current Mood: sjefdlkj
Blade That Switched Your Life Status [userpic]

Dear you,
get away with it and don't pester around.

Dear other you,
dilly dally and no better. Bad luck, hoped higher about this. You don't even *seem to* understand, or will to. It's not your bussiness, then fine, but I don't get why should it be mine.

Dear R bunch,
could you get wild in someone *else's* head?

Dear both of you,

I just wanted to make it clear that my last letter in here was not intended for either of you, but it's still nice to hear from you anyway. It's just a weird coincidence that you both texted me after I wrote that.

You both have always been there for me whenever I needed you, so that pretty much excuses you from anything I might rant about. That letter was meant for the fakes flakes in my life, and you two are certainly not in that category.

Love Always,

Current Mood: tired tired

Dear my Roxas,

I know I've given you hell these past few weeks. I've been nothing but selfish and bitchy, and you happened to be the closest thing every time I got myself rubbed the wrong way.

And though I know you're not big on apologies, and you've said you don't want them all the time because it defeats the purpose and what not. Still, though, I apologize for this past month.

I apologize for being a bitchy brat.

I hope to make the rest of March, and the coming months, much better ones. I pinkie-swear to keep the green-eyed-monster in the back of the closet where it belongs. And leave it there, because I need to open my eyes a bit wider and realize that yes, I am really important to you. And no, all those girls don't have a thing on me. 'Nor will they ever in the near, or hopefully distant, future.

Here's to being your little angel and 'mooshface' again.

Your Sora

P.S. Has anyone told you how amazing you are lately?

Current Mood: lovey-dovey
Back March 13th, 2008 Forward