unsent letters
.::: .....
Back January 3rd, 2008 Forward

Dear you,

Actions speak louder than words.


↘ poslogical [userpic]

Dear you,

Fuck you. Just fucking fuck you. A part of me hates to say it because this emotion is actually hard to get out of me but; I fucking hate you.

Pissed the fuck off,

Dear You,

... Okay. That? That just made me want to puke, to be honest.



Dear Self,

Please hurry and figure out what you're doing. Why do you have to be so confused all of the time? Why can't you decide on anything? Life isn't going to freeze while you try to make up your mind; it keeps moving, with or without you in it.


P.S. Get your ass to StarTek on Friday, and APPLY FOR A DAMN JOB. You know you can get it. Why are you so damn scared?


Dear Me,

You know, this would be a lot easier if I just didn't exist. :| I despise life and living. I despise being pressured to "decide what you want to do with your life! act now and recieve a free toaster." I don't know what I want for this year, and I don't know what I want for my future. I used to be so sure, but now ... Now I don't have a clue. I can't see myself sitting in an office anymore, listening to people's problems about life and wanting to kill themselves. This makes me feel flummoxed. Immensely. Because that's all I've imagined myself doing since I was thirteen - I always said I wanted to go into psychology. Now? I just don't know anymore.

Just shut the hell up.

No love,

Current Music: Lovex - Bleeding
↘ poslogical [userpic]

Dear InsaneJournal,

I miss my Fai-ouji...


omgdevin [userpic]

Dear Me,

Decisions don't make themselves. You're on a time-limit here and you need to get your life sorted out. There's only about a week until you go back to school and if you haven't made up your mind by then, you're not going to have any direction at all. You'll be stuck with the shitty schedule of half-assed registering and you'll be more than a semester behind if you don't take a full, productive course load. I realize that you can't properly register without knowing what you want to do, but sitting around dreading it isn't going to solve the problem.

Get your act together. You're supposed to be an adult, start acting like one.


Dear you,

What the hell was that all about? You make no fucking sense. You know what? You can fucking keep all the rest of my stuff. It made zero sense to come dropping by here to give me only part of what is mine that is still at your house (and you know there's more). You could have fixed this a long time ago. I tried to explain it to you and you didn't listen. My words are obviously wasted on you. You can take yourself and your illogical thinking so fucking far away from me. I've had it with your games, your immaturity, your childish behavior, and your pity trips.

So fucking frustrated at everything,

↘ poslogical [userpic]

Dear you,

That was a big mistake on your part, I really hope you know. Nothing will ever be the same again... ever.

Over and out,

Dear you,

I love talking to you late into the night. It puts me in a very nostalgic mood.
It hurts a little when I remember who I used to chat with into the ungodly hours of early morning, but at the same time it helps me heal. It shows me that I can continue to enjoy the things I love even without them to do those things with anymore.

But you make my stomach do flip-flops lately.
My heart is confused and yearning and I just want to jump in headfirst, and bathe in that familiar feeling that I so adore, but my sensible side says to be cautious. Says it's too soon for another 'shot at love'.

I was careful when I was with them, but even that didn't save me from that sloppy breakup that left us both limping away, injured and ruined.

I'm begging myself not to fall head-over-heels for you.
I can't get dizzy in love right now. I'll only be a hurricane on your healing terrain. I don't want to disappoint you if I get scared and leave.
I hope I can keep myself in check and remain friends with you for as long as possible.

I'm sorry,

Current Mood: confused confused
Back January 3rd, 2008 Forward