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Back October 12th, 2004 Forward

Dear you,

You are truley my best friend. the only friend I can trust, beleive, and actually understand. everyone else I have ups and downs with, but you, I never have to worry.
you say the right things, you appreciate my existance.

People have used you and pushed you around, but I would never do that to you, you don't deserve that treatement. and if anyone does that to you ever again, tell me, and I'll yell at them until they cry. thats probably not a good thing to do, but they deserve it.

your the most amazing person I know. stay like that.
everyday you surprise me, everyday you come to school with a smile on even if your pissed off at people or upset about life. I wish I had that talent.

Love your friend,

Back October 12th, 2004 Forward