March 29th, 2010

[info]darkmark_mods in [info]darkmark_rising

Monday, February 14th, 1977

FINALLY. It is HERE. The promise of valentine's day warms things up considerably, though it could have been some pepper-up potion that landed in the food that morning to keep students from moping. Who knows! The sun is out, the snow is melting enough for the grass to be visible, and the clouds have shifted so that the blinding distraction during class will no longer allow students to sleep. Instead, plenty of students will visit the infirmary for heartbreak and headaches. Enjoy the holiday!

(Real life March 29th & 30th)
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[info]crouchingbart in [info]darkmark_rising

Who: Barty and Rabastan
What: Still riding on the adrenaline high after a little bit of being bad
Where: Slytherin 5th year boys' dorm
When: Not long after the attack on the owlery
Rating: PG-13-ish?
Status: Incomplete, but due to be short

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[info]chittocks in [info]darkmark_rising

owl to chase harper )

owl to rosmerta winethrop )

owl to morrigan troy )

owled to fifth years and above )

ooc )

[info]srslyblacksheep in [info]darkmark_rising


It won't make you fall in love, but it may make you fall in like! It also won't urge you to tell the truth, but it will certainly urge you to believe someone else's lies. Your character doesn't have to consume any, but if they're drinking anything other than water at breakfast they pretty much will. Since Sirius isn't so good at potions, it is 100% fine to have a drink with a large concentration of the potion, or a drink with an itty bitty concentration.

Have fun with it!