September 24th, 2009

[info]advictoriam in [info]darkmark_rising

Who: Victoria VanHorn and Bellatrix Black.
When: Early evening, Sunday.
Where: The staircases.
What: Victoria asks for help, Bellatrix meets a Muggle. Excitement ensues.

Hahaha, Charlie Manson, you're such a nutter! How did anyone ever listen to you without gigglin' and pinchin' your cheeks? )

[info]darkmark_mods in [info]darkmark_rising

October 1sth, 1976

Monday, October 1, 1976

High: 18°C (64.4°F)
Low: 14°C (55.5°F)
PoP: 15%
Slightly overcast in the morning, but clearing over lunchtime. The afternoon will be a nice one, with relatively sunny skies, the air warming nicely.

[info]darkmark_mods in [info]darkmark_rising

Who: Everyone!
Where: Outside by the lake
What: Rylett's funeral & announcement
When: Monday afternoon, around 1 pm
Rating: LOW

Today we lay to rest Rylett Talitha )