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Trying this again [12 Oct 2018|01:02am]
After seeing Venom, I would love to play against Eddie Brock ! As Michelle Williams or any other pretty lass! Comments are screened in the journal. And here.

Plus I think it would be hot to fuck him after he becomes Venom! Could be a one shot thing, one night stand, or many stands. Pure smut but also willing to play with some plot attached.
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[12 Oct 2018|10:09am]
I would love some characters over at Duplicity for my Rogue. It is on Dreamwidth, so if you've never used DW and have any questions, I'm happy to help out however I can:D There's a good rundown of the premise and some more info on the game here, but for a quick rundown (taken from the page):

L.I.E.S., a program created a few decades ago to bring in new people, has been largely unsuccessful. The creator of the program was given the task of finding alternate humans that did not carry the deceit gene and bring them to Duplicity to make the city better. People keep arriving, but these alternate humans have yet to be found. Not to be discouraged, the creator put the program on auto-pilot and vanished, leaving the doors to reset every month and new arrivals to come in.

DUPLICITY is a panfandom sex game that centers around negative traits and the outcome of succumbing to darker urges. Bad behavior is encouraged; events will touch on horror, science fiction, exploration, game plot, and slice of life tossed in when needed.

Basically, characters are sorted to fill either dominant or submissive roles in public society. Rogue was sorted as a dominant, so I would love to find either a Pyro, Wolverine, or Fassbender!Magneto filling a submissive role (some finagling might need to occur to make that happen, but we can talk about that too). It's worth noting that these roles are only applicable to how people have to behave in public (your character's personality would and should stay the same), what goes on in private is a free-for-all and up for discussion, and I'd love to brainstorm on a specific dynamic.

Rogue's taken from right before DoFP started (I have her aged at about 26 -- her profile is here if you want to see what you're getting into:D), so she's in kind of a messed up place. I have ideas for how any of these dynamics could go that I'm happy to share and chat about.
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[12 Oct 2018|09:51pm]
Someone to play Tom Hardy against my Charlotte Riley?

Chris Pratt to my Emilia Clarke or Jennifer Lawrence?

Chris Pine, Daniel Gillies, Garrett Hedlund, or Channing Tatum? Up for suggestions as well. Except for Obama; that will always be a NO WAY!

PB/Celeb/Aim/Thread/Long term/Short term, etc. I have no real specific ideas for storylines but anything historical, modern day newlyweds or newly couple, mafia related, arranged marriage, etc.
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[12 Oct 2018|10:55pm]
I have an unconventional vampire line I want to fill. There would be surrogacy of unnatural means and body horror with potential for psychological manipulation and ideally some form of Stockholm Syndrome. Other similar themed lines are in my journal.

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[12 Oct 2018|11:10pm]
[info]phantoms her newest progeny for a fun and detailed line, as well as more staff at the bar she co owns
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