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[11 Oct 2018|08:09am]
[info]innkeepers! Holds open on October 13th! Feel free to chat on our chatter post.
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ignore the journal. [11 Oct 2018|08:54am]
can i possibly get a male for a line at a community for a detailed ex line. he was her first real relationship and love but it was toxic, abusive (on both ends) and all around a wreck. he introduced her into bdsm, heavy on the s & m. would love to back date their relationship while playing what their dynamic is now. i have ideas on how it started and where they're at now. various kinks involved, few limits. i don't care about faces particularly, anyone 25+ will do. hit the screened post if you're interested and i'll give you a custom to discuss!
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[11 Oct 2018|12:41pm]
het line involving pregnancy kink, public sex, maybe light bdsm if you want? prefer to play the female.
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[11 Oct 2018|02:14pm]
Looking for someone who's up for playing Mad Sweeney in an AU, focusing more on the historical side (aka king/warrior! Sweeney). Plot details are up for discussion. A mix of smut/plot preferred. Very open on kinks. Leave a comment in the journal if interested.
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[11 Oct 2018|10:33pm]
Would anyone be interested in writing a childhood friends sort of line where the characters discover they are mages and grow into their power together, and later start a coven of like-minded mages, set in the modern world? I would rather build our own world rather than go the schools of magic route like DnD. I am looking for a male character to write opposite my male character. It can be slash or gen.
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[ viewing | October 11th, 2018 ]
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