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[15 Sep 2018|04:31pm]
It's almost Fall, which means I'm in the mood for some Halloween-themed lines:

· An on/off relationship between a human and a vampire. The vampire wants to change his human girlfriend but she's resistant. I'd like to play the human.
· A husband or wife promises to come back after they pass away from an illness - and they do. I'm flexible on who I play. Het, slash, or femme.
· A witch summons a low-level, slightly less evil than you'd expect demon, demi-god, or other creature from another dimension and now they have to figure out how to send them home. Or do they? Maybe they were lonely and now they're dragging their feet a bit and not really admitting it. I'm flexible on who I play, demon/creature doesn't necessarily have to be limited by the gender binary.
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[15 Sep 2018|05:11pm]
A Jon for my Sansa?
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[15 Sep 2018|05:25pm]
Gargoyles, Witches, Fae, & Shapeshifters ~Sheltered

Would love to see more Gargoyles to try and make up a new clan. Need more diversity in Witches, Fae, & Shapeshifters to help control/guard the barrier + bridgekeepers from human threat.
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[15 Sep 2018|06:58pm]
Looking for an Oscar Isaac PB to join my John Boyega PB in a comm. Another fae would be awesome, but I have a couple of ideas with or without, if other supernatural creatures entice. Comments screened.
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[ viewing | September 15th, 2018 ]
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