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looking for the following [14 Sep 2018|06:25am]
someone who slashes jason momoa, chace crawford, adam levine, justin timberlake, charlie hunnam, alexander skarsgard, sharon or jared leto.
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[14 Sep 2018|06:17pm]
[info]phantoms new supernatural gpsl set in portland, oregon now taking holds
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[14 Sep 2018|07:13pm]
is anyone else watching ozark and would like to try a complicated line inspired by marty and wendy's relationship? open to het/slash.
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[14 Sep 2018|09:20pm]
[info]phantoms the demon she was bound to before the one she is currently for something dark, obv. a good witch that's convinced she's just misunderstood and not as bad as everyone thinks. a slayer she likes to play games with when she's bored. EVERYTHING.
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[ viewing | September 14th, 2018 ]
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