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Gangs of NYX - Apply Today! [16 Nov 2010|02:29pm]

A Marvel-centric AU RPG.
[info]gangs_of_nyx (IC) & [info]gangsofnyx_ooc (OOC) via [info]nyx_mods (mod)

The 1970s gave rise to many socio-cultural revolutions: the environmental movement , feminism, egalitarianism, communalism, the sexual revolution, pop psychiatry and self-help. But none of these were so radical or publicly criticized as the mutant revolution. Born with genetic alterations that gave them abilities beyond those of normal humans, the people known as Mutants are hated and feared.

Amid fear, prejudice and violence on both sides, the mutant revolution quickly grew to become a national crisis. The government dealt with this threat by creating Mutant Town, a small ghetto in New York City to house these people. Humans living in the nearby areas terrorize the mutants and a special police unit known as The Sentinels keeps them inside, while turning a blind eye to the atrocities committed in the name of homo sapien.

Charles Xavier and Erik Lensherr, two mutants who in another time and place would be great leaders, decided that their home and brethren need to be protected. And so the two formed the gang known as The Brotherhood of Mutants; the costumes and codenames that in another world would signify them as heroes representing their unity as a gang. The Brotherhood began to protect the streets of Mutant Town from outsiders, troublemakers, and the racist, skinhead gang The Friends of Humanity, whether it's through fights, extortion, patrolling their turf or setting a few examples.

Even as the mutants deal with the Friends of Humanity and their ilk, tension begins to brew under the surface. Should the gang include humans in their ranks, as Mutant Town houses a sizable human population? For that matter should Mutant Town be for mutants only? Differences among the gang members, and its leaders, begin to divide the mutants that were once united. Can Charles, aka "X", and Erik, aka "Magneto", find common ground for the Brotherhood of Mutants?

They could run New York City. These are the gangs of NYX.



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[16 Nov 2010|05:39pm]
Het male sex slave here. Willing to use most faces and figure out something fun. Whether it be just the slave plot, or something that grows from there. Definite smut, and likely a little plot spattered in there as well.

Any takers? Threading preferred.
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anyone up for... [16 Nov 2010|05:55pm]
an incest line? brother/sister, dub con, whatever. Not a one-night line either, but something we can work on and develop for a while.
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[16 Nov 2010|10:28pm]
Can I get an older guy for an age gap line anyone? Couple ideas in the journal, open to anything. Definite mix of plot and smut required. Threading only. The darker the line, the better.
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Sucker Punch line [16 Nov 2010|11:19pm]
Looking for others who would be interested in a dark Sucker Punch line. The characters we're looking for right now are Rocket (Jena Malone), Blondie (Vanessa Hudgens), and Amber (Jamie Chung) although I'm sure others would be welcome.
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[16 Nov 2010|11:43pm]
Het one-nighter for all you night owls/Europeans?

I'd like to play the girl or submissive guy to a domme. For the girl, the PB is totally negotiable as are kinks. Don't be afraid to ask, I love kink in a line! For the line where I'd play guy, the PB is not as negotiable, I'd probably want to PB James Franco, a young Leo DiCaprio, Michael Pitt or Jude Law.

This would be a pretty straight-forward smut line, so be aware that there won't be any novels written here but no one-liners either. Comments are screened! AIM or threading, AIM preferred.
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