Sep. 14th, 2018


The Daily Snitch – Friday, September 14, 2018

Joanne K. Rowling – Life and Books:
• 7 Reasons why J.K. Rowling deserves the Nobel Prize (for Literature): 3. The literariness of her work. (The Hogwarts Professor)
• 7 Reasons why J.K. Rowling deserves the Nobel Prize (for Literature): 2. CSL's poeima - genre and influence. (The Hogwarts Professor)
• Robert Galbraith: A tour of Strike's London ahead of Lethal White release.

Harry Potter – Actors and Movies:
• Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) has date set to begin filming for Little Women.
• Dan Radcliffe (Harry Potter) talks 'The Lifespan of a Fact' on the Tonight Show and the Today Show.
• Chris Rankin (Percy Weasley)'s film 'Dad' premieres tonight on BBC 2 Wales.

Fantastic Beasts – Actors and Movies:
• Dan Fogler (Jacob Kowalski) to narrate Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald – makers, mysteries and magic audiobook.
• Eddie Redmayne (Newt Scamander) reads his favourite HP and the Sorcerer's Stone excerpt.

Prompt Challenges:
[ profile] hpcupminifest posted the September prompt: muddy

• The following fests are currently posting: [info]hp_drizzle, [ profile] harrydracobang, [info]hp_podfic_fest, [info]dramione_remix, [community profile] pod_together (all fandoms)
[info]mini_fest posted the Mini Fest 2018 Info Post. Sign-ups are open
[info]snapecase announced that Sign-ups begin on October 1.
[personal profile] rs_fireside_tales announced the Remus/Sirius Fireside Tales Fest.
[ profile] wolfstar-big-bang posted a Bonus Round. The Masterlist will be revealed tomorrow.

Fandom Recs:
[info]melodyssister recced a Hermione Granger/Severus Snape fic (PG-13).
[info]smirkingcat recced a Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy/Severus Snape fic (NC-17).

[info]hd_prophet: Edition September 12.

[community profile] pod_together 2018 Harry Potter Save List (Day 1 through 9):
Metamours, by [ profile] Wereflamingo and [ profile] Ellejabell (Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Victor Krim | PG-13 | 13:41 minutes)
Broadening Horizons, written by [ profile] BastardSirius and performed by [ profile] icarusinflight (Remus Lupin/Sirius Black | NC-17 | 23:31 minutes)
The Chill, written by [ profile] BastardSirius and read by [ profile] asuninside (Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Nymphadora Tonks | PG-13 | 50:37 minutes)

Archive News:
• OTW Guest Post: Una McCormack, author of Star Trek DS9 and Dr Who tie-in novels and an academic who has written about fandom.

• Quantum Harry, the Podcast, Ep. 25: The Wand Game.

• Kano's first of its kind Wand and 'Harry Potter' coding kit.

Community Spotlight:
[personal profile] rs_fireside_tales | [ profile] rs-fireside-tales
This fest features Remus/Sirius in spooky, uncanny, strange and atmospheric stories that you’d love to read (or be told) while sipping a warming beverage by a crackling fire. Submission can feature strange apparitions, detectives, mist and fog, mysterious characters, mythical creatures, or just a general sense of unease... All ratings are welcome, posting is not anonymous. Prompts will be published September 24, the fest starts posting February 11, 2019.

Please send your fandom news to the Daily Snitch. Our tumblr hashtag is # dailysnitch. We check the hashtag for each edition; please tag tumblr posts you want us to see and/or include in the Daily Snitch.

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