November 19th, 2015

[info]vaysh11 in [info]dailysnitch

Special Edition: Viktor Krum - call for recs and links

The next Special Edition is for

Special Edition
Viktor Krum

We are looking for art, fiction, podfics, meta, communities and resources that feature Viktor Krum. The work can be posted on any journaling system (LJ, IJ, DW), on AO3, tumblr or another website. The post must be unlocked and no sign-up required to access it.

All artistic forms and styles, ratings, genres, length etc. are welcome. All pairings are welcome. However, while Viktor may be in a romantic pairing, we only accept stories that focus predominantly on him. Outright "pairing fic" is not be accepted for this Special Edition. Likewise, fic/art with a main pairing that does not include Viktor is not accepted. Please don't rec videos or manips that are rated NC-17. Suggested communities need to have been active during the last twelve months.

Please check out the previous Special Edition: Viktor Krum from April 2011. Make sure not to rec/link a work that has already been included in this Special Edition.

What are your Viktor Krum classics? Which fic/art shaped your Viktor Krum headcanon? Which fic/art has the most canon, which the most fanon Viktor Krum?

Don't be shy. Pimp your own work and your friends' if you think it belongs into the Special Edition about Viktor Krum. Leave a link in a comment to this post, and it will appear on our new Special Edition.

To facilitate the coding of the Special Edition, please use the following template for your recs. Do not change the square brackets into pointy ones. :)

Thank you!

[info]knowmefirst in [info]dailysnitch

The Daily Snitch-Sunday, November 19, 2015

[info]dailysnitch is now also on tumblr. Please follow daily-snitch@tumblr!

Joanne K. Rowling:
•J.K. Rowling: Named Scotland’s Most Influential Author on Twitter

Harry Potter - Actors and Movies:
•The 10th Anniversary: Of the “Goblet of Fire” Film
•Daniel Radcliffe: Interview with “We Got This Covered”
•Dan Radcliffe: In “Now You See Me 2″ Trailer
•Video-Daniel Radcliffe: In teaser trailer for 'Now You See Me 2: The Second Act'
•Photos: Tom Felton: In first look at drama 'Feed', 'A United Kingdom' biopic behind-the-scenes

Fantastic Beasts - Actors and Movies:
•Fantastic Beasts: Film tone will be similar to 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire'
•Eddie Redmayne: Admits visiting zoos, animal sanctuaries for 'Fantastic Beasts' prep
•Photos:'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them' Leavesden sets torn down by Storm Barney

[info]bill_ficathon: Two days left before due date (Nov 20)
[info]ron_draco_fest:Prompting is now open!
[info]hermione_smut: A note from the Mod
[info]hd_writers:Another NANO Check-In!

Masterlists and Weekly Round-ups:
•The [info]rs_games 2015 Master List - With Authors & Artists

Editor's Choice Rec:
Sweet Surrender by Anonymous (Harry/Draco |PG-13| Art)
Summary:Pirate captain Harry and spoiled British royal navy Draco. Harry boards Draco’s ship in more ways than one.
This modern love by Anonymous (Justin Finch-Fletchley/Pansy Parkinson | PG-15 | 9,583)
Summary:A wedding is supposed to be a joyful union of two people, surrounded by their closest friends and family. Not… whatever the hell this particular disaster is.

Archive News:
•OTW Fannews: What's in a Name?
•OTW: 2015 OTW Board Election Results

HP News:
•IQA: Announces the Host City of the 2016 Quidditch World Cup
• Video: Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Studios Hollywood Hogsmeade village look
•Harry Potter illustrator, Mary GrandPré: To deliver speech on illustration

[info]dailysnitch is looking for your recs, art, stories, meta and links for the Special Edition: Viktor Krum
•Fic Search by [info]jxmesbuchanan @ [info]bottom_draco

Friending Meme hosted by [info]secretlypadfoot

[info]hd_prophet:Tuesday 17th November
[info]hd_prophet:Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Community Spotlight:
[info]sirius_news -- Sirius-centric items from the wider HP fandom (At the moment is in Hiatus, but still lovely lists)

Send your fandom news to the Daily Snitch.

April 2020



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