August 25th, 2015

[info]vaysh11 in [info]dailysnitch

The Daily Snitch: Monday, August 24, 2015

Happy Belated Birthday, Percy Weasley (born August 22, 1976)!

Harry Potter – Actors and Movies:
• In Memory of Robert Arthur "Rob" Knox (August 21, 1989 – May 24, 2008) who played Marcus Belby in Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince.
• Matthew Lewis and Shirley Henderson (Moaning Myrtle) have been cast to co-star in the second series of BBC's Happy Valley.

Prompt Challenges:
[info]hogwarts365 posted Prompt 102: "Going Back to Hogwarts", Rainbow, and Online Dating (due up until August 29).
[info]slythindor100 posted the Week 6 Results and the semi-finals prompt 7 of the H/D LDWS challenge.

[info]interhouse_fest posted the Claiming/Sign-up Post of the 2015 Interhouse Fest (Sign-ups end September 7).
[info]hp_silencio posted a Reminder that submissions are due August 31.
[info]bottom_draco posted the Submission Guidelines for the upcoming Bottom!Draco Fest.
[info]sshg_giftfest announced the Severus/Hermione Holiday Gift Fest (Sign-ups run from September 7 – 13).
[info]rs_games posted an inter-team activity: Ficlets and Drawbles. Open also to non-participants of the Remus/Sirius Games, ends September 5.

Masterlists and Weekly Round-ups:
[info]hp_crossgenfest posted the Anon Masterlist of the 2015 Harry Potter Crossgen Fest. Reveals will go up August 31.
[info]severus_fest posted the 2015 Summer of Severus Masterlist.

Hot Art Rec:
I Wanna Be Yours by anonymous @ [info]hp_crossgenfest (Scorpius Malfoy/Harry Potter; NC-17)
Summary: Harry Potter has always been Scorpius' hero.

Hot Recs:
A Firm Hand by anonymous @ [info]hp_crossgenfest (Minerva McGonagall/Remus Lupin, Hermione Granger/Remus Lupin, Hermione Granger/Teddy Lupin; NC-17; 2390 words)
Summary: When it comes to discipline at Hogwarts, the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Jocasta Dreams by anonymous @ [info]hp_crossgenfest (Molly Weasley/Harry Potter; NC-17, 1670 words)
Summary: A lipstick stain and the feel of hot breath and chapped lips at the edge of her blouse trigger a strange reaction in Molly. Harry’s just a boy, but for one summer, she wishes he was hers.
Ash by anonymous @ [info]hp_crossgenfest (Harry Potter/Remus Lupin; NC-17, 4880 words)
Summary: Harry is turned into a vampire and abandoned by his sire. An incident prompts Harry to go to Remus for help; Remus may not be a vampire, but he’s the only one Harry can trust to understand what it’s like to be a monster.

Schedule of Upcoming Events from August 23 through 29 at [info]potterfests.
• The SS/HP Prophet from August 16 – 22.
Media References to Fanfiction for the week ending August 22.

[info]hp_diversity posted a discussion post for the video Every Single Word Spoken By A Person of Color in the Entire 'Harry Potter' Film Series.

[info]hp_canon_love posted Meta Monday: a question about Amortentia – ship foreshadowing or infatuation/obsession.
[info]snapedom posted Meta Monday: What do we know about so-called magical cores?.

General Fandom News:
[info]leviosa2016 a sneak peek at some of the Leviosa Programming and notes a lot of Snape Programming.

[info]dailysnitch is looking for your recs (fic, art, podfic, meta ...) for the Special Edition: Dean Thomas.

Community Spotlight:
hpcanonlove @ tumblr[info]hp_canon_love is now also on tumblr.

Please send your fandom news to the Daily Snitch.

April 2020



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