June 2012




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Feb. 27th, 2012


This may be a stretch, but are there any other angels here?

It's been a while I've seen any of my family


This place is boring, yeah. But it's all in what you make of it. And when you think about it? It's kind of cool to be here. With the dinosaurs. I mean, how many people do you know back home can say that?

Feb. 5th, 2012


Okay. I'll be nice. Anyone who needs a drink should stop by the building with the flashing light outside.

You may all thank me later.

[Filtered to Deanna; embracedthelife & Samantha; trustygeekgirl]
The gig is up, girls. I know you're here.

Feb. 3rd, 2012


[Filtered to Dr. Mccoy]
Still around?

Nov. 1st, 2011


This device seems much more advanced than the technology I remember. I didn't think it would be usable in this particular era. But.. I can say with all certainly that I do not approve of my new residence situation. I've been through this before. Locked down, fenced in, subpar conditions.. and soldiers. I suppose these ones were "just following orders" as well?

They can't seriously expect us to take this. We can't. I know full well how these things end. First people are contained. Then there are camps. I hope history doesn't repeat itself this time. I should perhaps introduce myself, my name is Erik Lensherr. However, I prefer.. Magneto. It is what Raven picked out for me after all