June 2012




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Apr. 24th, 2012


Given what happened recently, I've been watching the fences more than I did before. But at least I have work now. I'd probably be bored without it. I'm in Agriculture, basically farming. Which is one of my good skills since I lived on a farm for many years. If anyone needs assistance in planting crops, let me know. I'll be happy to help.

Apr. 13th, 2012


Hey is it me or does the moon look like it getting closer to the earth?

Apr. 11th, 2012


Have to admit, that was.. odd. And I've seen plenty of weird things, but that latest incident with the dinosaurs is at the top right now. Everyone's okay, though?

Mar. 29th, 2012


Hey, if anyone needs help or needs someone to go out into the wild with them. Since it's not safe for just one person? Or even just if you need any heavy lifting done? Let me know and I'll be there. Literally, like in just two seconds

Feb. 27th, 2012


Since the V day party was just for couples, and we're really all just stuck here for the forseeable future, I think we need to find other ways to get to know one another and get along.

Maybe we can play some kind of game or have regular mixers for people to just hang out. Maybe just start with a fact about yourself that no one knows and people can comment on it.


This place is boring, yeah. But it's all in what you make of it. And when you think about it? It's kind of cool to be here. With the dinosaurs. I mean, how many people do you know back home can say that?


Is anyone still interested in Sunday meetings?

I'm feeling a bit...discouraged.


Anyone want to help a girl with leg braces out? I'm a bit stuck in the mud. There's like a sink hole here or something. I'm not sinking, don't think but I just can't get my legs out.

Feb. 21st, 2012


Guess what?

I'm bored. And me getting bored is a bad thing. Why wasn't I here when the soldiers were being dicks

[Filtered to all Winchesters]
C'mon! One of you have to have something interesting going on.

Feb. 9th, 2012


I've been through time before. Went to the past. Even saw the future a couple times too. But this? It's really way too far for me. I'd think a million years past is a bit too much. I'm supposed to be doing something important. Like saving lives keeping the whole planet safe working on a news story with Lois.

I'd suspect this was another training simulation with the Fortress or my father The sun feels younger too, doesn't take as long to charge up my abilities By chance, anybody I know around here? Lois, Tess? Kara? Chloe?? Anybody, please. Just tell me there's a way to reverse the process and return back to my time. Legion ring would be handy now if I still had it