June 2012




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Mar. 12th, 2012


This climate is a bit warmer than back home, I guess. So I might be going swimming soon. After I play on the courts or do some gym workouts.

Feb. 28th, 2012


You stupid apes give me this...whatever it is and expect me to know how to use it?! It's bad enough I was forced to walk among you for hundreds of years, and now you give me your devices and make me use it.

I'm bored already. And Gabriel, if this is your idea of a joke, it's not funny at all.


Okay. This..am I at the Capitol? There's no way. But.. it feels....odd here. Not modern, but not...future either...hm..

Feb. 7th, 2012


So, a date for the ball. Sounds like fun. Anyone who'd want to go with me?

ETA; Got a friend who's going to go there with me. I won't tell, let it be a surprise But I can give dances to anyone who'd want.

[Filtered; Eric [info]vikingnorthman]
I won't be busy this evening, or tomorrow night either. You can come over then if you want a drink. That Valentine event might be interesting to go to. I plan to get a date for it soon, so I can attend and see all that delectable eye candy.


[Filtered; Ruby [info]itsallme]
Hey, just wanted to say it was great to meet you, the walk was nice too. I think there should be more of our kind, keeps things interesting. Oh.. I met a vampire recently. Turns out my blood has some very interesting effects on their kind.

Feb. 1st, 2012


Nik? Elijah?

Am I losing everyone here?

Jan. 28th, 2012


You know, just once I want something normal to happen. But no, of course not. Dinosaurs, really? This has to be some kind of dream.

Jan. 23rd, 2012


It appears my lover found some way to leave this place. Without taking me with her.

Now what do I do?

Jan. 22nd, 2012


Tomorrow, I'm going out on a hunt, well exploring.

So Steve, how about one of those blasters? Not that I'll need it, but I need to make sure my ass is covered, right?

Also, anyone care to go?

Oct. 19th, 2011


Feeling bored. I do not usually ask this openly, but since Uther and his kind are not here.. okay. Does anyone here practice magic? Sorcery? I know of a couple besides me, but wonder if there are others.