June 2012



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February 27th, 2012

[info]thethief in [info]cretaceousnet


And it almost bit my arm off.

[info]luciemiller in [info]cretaceousnet

Anyone want to help a girl with leg braces out? I'm a bit stuck in the mud. There's like a sink hole here or something. I'm not sinking, don't think but I just can't get my legs out.

[info]firenbrimstone in [info]cretaceousnet

Is anyone still interested in Sunday meetings?

I'm feeling a bit...discouraged.

[info]robosam in [info]cretaceousnet

Still too quiet.

There's something unnatural about that.

Mark my words.

[info]tooprettytodie in [info]cretaceousnet

This place is boring, yeah. But it's all in what you make of it. And when you think about it? It's kind of cool to be here. With the dinosaurs. I mean, how many people do you know back home can say that?

[info]gaysharks in [info]cretaceousnet

I think it would be cool to have a pet dinosaur.

[info]fbibarbie in [info]cretaceousnet

Since the V day party was just for couples, and we're really all just stuck here for the forseeable future, I think we need to find other ways to get to know one another and get along.

Maybe we can play some kind of game or have regular mixers for people to just hang out. Maybe just start with a fact about yourself that no one knows and people can comment on it.

[info]fireinthesoul in [info]cretaceousnet

I think this is what going insane must feel like.

[info]hasatype in [info]cretaceousnet

This may be a stretch, but are there any other angels here?

It's been a while I've seen any of my family

[info]the_better_man in [info]cretaceousnet

Hello, it's Erik here. I was curious about something. What would think of being part of a group, of which it's members are just people like us? People with abilities. I think that if a crisis were to arise again, it would be easier to fight back against our oppressors as a unit as opposed to a solo act. Plus, perhaps it might be useful for our kind to work together on occasion. I've thought of calling it a.. Brotherhood. Do you remember what I said before, one power I know, shape shifting? Turns out a woman I know is here, she has that ability. You'd be welcome to be a part of this. The offer is always open if you wish to join.

That was a fun occasion, that dance. I need you to do something for me. It's simple for the moment. I'll need you to keep an eye out for anyone with abilities like we do. I'd like to know who among us is gifted and if they'd work well in our group. And if so, I wish to bring them into our fold. I know of one in particular, with electrical powers, very damaging to her foes. I'm going to offer her a membership to our club. But if you come across any other mutant types, please let me know. May want to grab them up before Charles starts to get the same idea.

[info]the_druid_boy in [info]cretaceousnet

Been practicing my magic lately. I guess I've gotten a little better at it. Might go check out some of the facilities here, see what it has besides the jungle.

[info]want_take_have in [info]cretaceousnet

I've got an itch and it's getting tingly.

[Private to Dean (butiwaswrong)]

I want sex, I want it now.

[info]ask_malice in [info]cretaceousnet

I miss Dean.

Sammie, I left something in your room for you, but I swear if it chew up anything, it's going back out doors.

[info]prizedbitch in [info]cretaceousnet

Who is doing look out with me tonight?

Bring some water, extra, I have a mad thrist.

[info]tamaranean in [info]cretaceousnet

[Private to Jason]

I do think I'd like to go to the beach, there is one here. I would like to go for a swim and some sun.

Care to come with?

[info]lovecausingpain in [info]cretaceousnet

He doesn't know who he is, every day is killing me slowly by being trapped her.

Tom, Master care to escort me for a walk tomorrow. I'm going to try to get your memory back, I swear.

[info]wanna_be_my_toy in [info]cretaceousnet

What jobs are there to do around here?

I'm bored, like in the mood to cause chaos bored.

I miss my sparks.

[info]shootyoumyself in [info]cretaceousnet

I'll be gone all day tomorrow, I need a day to roam.

Anyone is welcome to join.

[info]mutantpride in [info]cretaceousnet

Why does everyone want a pet, won't their mother attack the camp?

[Private to Charles]
