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November 1st, 2011

[info]purewitch in [info]cretaceousnet

Thanks a lot, Faye.

[info]under_her_spell in [info]cretaceousnet

Filtered to Cassie Blake [ [info]reluctant_witch ]

How are you doing?

[info]justoneofsix in [info]cretaceousnet

[filtered to Tara Maclay [info]under_her_spell specifically but readable by any other witches not including Diana Meade [info]purewitch]

Is there a spell that could make me lose my memory? I'm being told stuff happened that I don't remember happening. Like someone dying. How could I not remember that if it happened? Especially if Jake came back because of it.

[info]the_geekyone in [info]cretaceousnet

And so things start sucking even more...

[Filtered to Dean; butiwaswrong]
Is there anything you wanna tell me?

[Filtered to Faith; mad_skillz]
I'm almost glad he's over there for the moment.

[info]vipsychometer in [info]cretaceousnet

Does anyone play Scrabble?

[info]teratologist in [info]cretaceousnet

[Private away from the Military Personnel]

I assume there is some sort of resistance forming here. Who is leading it?

[info]herdeadlytouch in [info]cretaceousnet

When ah' left Mississippi, ah' never thought ah'd end up with dinosaurs. Apparently, ah' took a wrong turn somewhere-

Ah' was jus so scared. They wanted me dead

Nice digs though.  A girl could get use to this. Jus' sayin'

[info]secondchosenone in [info]cretaceousnet

No, I do not need an escort to Alpha.

Keep your hands off me. 

How am I the freak? I save people

[info]yourmistress in [info]cretaceousnet

Now this... this is certainly interesting.

Where is my husband?

[info]the_better_man in [info]cretaceousnet

This device seems much more advanced than the technology I remember. I didn't think it would be usable in this particular era. But.. I can say with all certainly that I do not approve of my new residence situation. I've been through this before. Locked down, fenced in, subpar conditions.. and soldiers. I suppose these ones were "just following orders" as well?

They can't seriously expect us to take this. We can't. I know full well how these things end. First people are contained. Then there are camps. I hope history doesn't repeat itself this time. I should perhaps introduce myself, my name is Erik Lensherr. However, I prefer.. Magneto. It is what Raven picked out for me after all

[info]klina in [info]cretaceousnet

I must say, this place is overrun with the worst sort. Are all of you so keen on loving humans?

[info]thedevilswhore in [info]cretaceousnet

Voice Post


[sounds of noise, things being moved or drop]

I don't know if anyone can hear me. I don't know how to use this.. contraption. It is quite unnatural.

[shuffling of papers and some background mutterings]

Could someone help? These.. people were not very pleasant.

[info]fantastic_doc in [info]cretaceousnet

You soldiers are so bloody stupid. You've locked us up, your best hope of fixing this stupid mess, and you've left a madman out there on the loose. Just the same as me, alien and all, but actually dangerous. And he's hurting people, and you don't even open your stupid little human eyes!

[info]littlenikita in [info]cretaceousnet

What the hell is going on?