Crack It Up

(no subject) @ 10:31 am


WHO: Dolores Umbridge and everyone invited to the Inquisitorial Squad
WHAT: Umbridge tells the students about the Inquisitorial Squad and gives them a deadline to respond about joining. This will be the ending of Umbridge's long speech so the kids can leave the office and respond.
WHEN: 11th at 7pm
WHERE: Umbridge's Office

Dolores was certain that her position within Hogwarts wasn't going anywhere with the Minister of Magic on her side. In fact, she was so confident in her job that she was vying for the Headmaster position which she knew was only a few months away. All she needed to do was get rid of Dumbledore somehow and the school would be hers. Still, she thirsted for power and for order. The incident in her office with the snowballs was unacceptable and she was determined to make sure that would never happen again. Why not use the students as her eyes and her ears? It really was a magnificent idea.

She called the Slytherin students that she trusted to her office which was filled to the brim with pink frills and fluffy kittens who purred and mewed. She talked for what seemed like forever about the school needing more structure and about how the students in the room were the ones who were going to help her bring about that structure. When Dolores saw one student starting to nod off she decided that her point had been made and she only need reiterate it once more before letting them go.

"Hem. Hem. I needn't tell you that you are the best of this school, and your loyalty to your Minister will not go unnoticed. We are giving you this power over the other students because they simply do not know how to act. You are the pure, the chosen ones. Ahem. You must act as role models, and I have no doubt in my mind that you are the right group for the job. You will be my eyes and my ears, have the power to deduct points, give detentions and send students to my office for further punishments. You will be identified by a lovely Inquisitorial Squad pin you must wear on your robes. Any and all information given to me will be rewarded, so please do not be shy. Sign up with me in my office by Friday after dinner. Anyone who does not decide to join the Squad will be dealt with appropriately. Hem. Hem." Dolores took one last long look at each student in her office and then waved her wand to open the office door. "You may leave. Don't forget to send me notice."

(no subject) @ 10:11 pm


WHO: Sirius Black and Nymphadora of the Many Last Names
WHERE: 12 Grimmauld Place
WHEN: Wednesday afternoon
WHAT: Fun with a camera
RATING: Lowish

When I grow up, I wanna see the world, drive nice cars, I wanna have groupies )

Crack It Up