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Christmas Deliveries from Neville [Dec. 24th, 2008|03:43 pm]

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All packages come with the following card, personalized to each person.

To Harry )


To Ron & Hermione )


To Luna & Rolf )


To Zach )
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[Dec. 4th, 2008|01:14 am]
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WHO: Luna Lovegood, Rolf Scamander (with slight mention of Teddy Lupin)
WHEN: Wednesday 3 December 2001
WHERE: Rolf’s home in Dorset
WHAT: Luna and Rolf babysit 3-year old Teddy Lupin and camp out in the living room.
STATUS: Private/Complete

Sometimes when she looked at Teddy she saw Rolf. They weren’t all that different.  )
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Owl to Cormac McLaggen [Nov. 4th, 2008|03:50 pm]
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Owl to Cormac McLaggen )
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[Oct. 7th, 2008|03:38 pm]
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Who: Luna Lovegood and Barney Dunstan
When: 7 October 2001
What: Playing with Farm Animals and Hanging out with Barney!
Where: Barney’s Farm
Warnings: TBD
Rating: PG/PG-13 more than likely.
Status: Private/Incomplete

Having his own farm had to make him the coolest person in the world. He had a farm! She wondered if the Ministry would have allowed her to have a mini-zoo one day. )
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[Sep. 14th, 2008|06:54 pm]
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WHO: Luna and Harry
WHERE: Number 12 Grimmauld
WHEN: Sunday, 14 September, 2001
WHAT: Luna comes over for a visit with Harry and Teddy
RATING: Dunno, PG-13 maybe for language?
WARNING: None really.
STATUS: Incomplete/Private

Kreacher will sit on you. )
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