August 9th, 2009

[info]fleurnoire in [info]comesthesun_ooc

So, it makes me sad to say but I'm already taking a hiatus! D: sucks, I know, as the game just oppened but I'll be in Florda until the fifteenth. AIM will likely always be up, as I use a Blackberry, but I won't be posting at all because that's just a tad trickier and rough on my thumbs! Anyways, love you all and don't have too much fun without me!


[info]thefutureauror in [info]comesthesun_ooc


Here is Frank Longbottom. He's a sixth year Ravenclaw and somehow manages to live up to every stereotype there is. He's very nearly in more classes than is possible, is in almost every academic club, and is a by-word for responsible, level-headed and gifted. He'll be starting a club for future Aurors, and it's clear that he's going to be one hell of an Auror when he graduates.

He's also infamous for his mother's Howlers, which are constant and incredibly unfair. Augusta pushes Frank to be the very best at everything and it's a wonder that he hasn't snapped. He's a genuinely good person, though, and tends to see the best in people. He's friendly but quiet and can easily empathize with Slytherin children being pushed by their parents. (Boy does he ever empathize.)

Finally, he's undergone something of a physical transformation over the summer. Frank was always a little short and chubby. He hit a major growth spurt over the summer, though, and is suddenly well over 6 feet and increasingly strapping. He finds this awkward and is really embarrassed by the attention it earns him.

Friends? Plots? He doesn't have enemies, per say, though there's no guarantee he won't earn some in-game!

[info]feral_growl in [info]comesthesun_ooc

Hey all! My name is Kaye, and I bring Fenrir Greyback to the game.

Fenrir is a wizard, but he only got to attend Hogwarts for two years before he was kicked out when he was bitten at thirteen years old. He is now 45 years old-- Or, actually, he says he's 32, because he thinks he was reborn when he was bitten. Yeah, he's a little insane. He was the one that big Remus, as we all know (and secretly love him for. You know you do!), and he has not forgotten that fact. He just expected that Remus would have grown up neglected, alone, unhappy, bitter... you know, all the mixing to be a perfect little mini-Greyback.

So, he's gonna be disappointed. Which is going to be fun, because he doesn't take disappointment well. He's acquaintances/friends with MacNair, surprise, surprise! And I would love any other plot that any of you want to throw at me.

I'm up to chatting, plot, anything on aim at JabberwockyHakke, but I can also be found at my email (which I check religiously, I swear) over at

[info]ex_liontamer794 in [info]comesthesun_ooc


And here's my last one (unless I get tempted by an adult). It's Molly Prewett, older sister to Gideon and Fabian. She's a seventh year Gryffindor, the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and one of the cornerstones of the House. She's got a temper and a mean right hook, but she's also prone to nurturing. Molly is determined to have great adventures and make something of her life. She's very active, has a bit of a mouth on her, and is always up for a good time.

She's got a natural antagonism toward Narcissa Black and any of her ilk, and she despises Lucius Malfoy despite thinking he's the hottest guy she's ever seen. (Maybe because of it.) I see her as close friends with Arthur, but since he's not in play, I won't be mentioning him much--I don't want to step on any toes should someone want to pick him up. I'm open to any other friends!

As before, my e-mail is

[info]bitcharoundhere in [info]comesthesun_ooc

Bellatrix Black

So... I think you all know Bella's temper. She's kind of a bitch, racist with the ones that aren't pure-blood, extremely loyal to the stuff she brings herself to care - although it's really hard for her to care about something.
And... I don't know, I guess it sums it up. lol She isn't far from canon, just a little bit less crazy. :D

I'm interested in enemies, relationships with insults and sexual tension, social relationships, love/hate relationships and heck, friendships are okay too. LOL And she's bisexual, I find it relevant to say.

My AIM is pensevermelho, and I'll be glad to talk about plotlines or just random stuff if you're interested :D

ETA: Bella's in The Slug Club, Knights of Walpurgis, she's a Prefect, and also is involved with, Quidditch (as Chaser).

[info]sun_mods in [info]comesthesun_ooc

Character List Updated!

Again, FYI, the Contacts Page has been updated. Here you can find contact information for all players and characters active in the game. It is locked to community members only.