August 18th, 2009

[info]sun_mods in [info]comesthesun_ooc


The Contact Page has been updated, including the Friend Add Button and the AIM add button. The Character Directory has also been updated.

Just so you know, there are now over 20 people involved with the game, and we reckon that's pretty awesome!

[info]someplants in [info]comesthesun_ooc

So,hi! I'm Natalia (Yes,that one that plays Rita Skeeter) and I bring you Professor Pomona Sprout. As you already know,she teaches Herbology so you'll probably find her at the.

She was a Hufflepuff,so she completely adores hard-working students although she tries to treat everyone equally,no matter if they're Slytherins or Gryffyndors. But she can't help showing favoritism to students that actually seem to be interested in Herbology.
She tries to make her classes as entertaining as she can but she can be severe with uncareful students.

With her colleagues,she usually isn't the loudest one.She's normally quiet unless she has something interesting to say,so most people think she's really shy.
Also,she's a lesbian,but better to keep that as a secret,right?

[info]mopnbucket in [info]comesthesun_ooc

Question. When does Dueling club start and is there anything special being done with it? As an example a game I used to play in would pair off all the members each meeting and then post the winners and little details the players cooked up. I'd be willing to help with that if needed so it's not more work for the mods.

Edit: Also when are the Gryff Quidditch tryouts?