May. 26th, 2009


Helloooooo! It's Anne again. The player for Scotty and Priestly. And here I bring you... Lois Lane! Some of you may already know my rendition of her, as I also play her at Hunted.

This is the Smallville version. She doesn't know Kara and Clark have superpowers, she does know Ollie is the Green Arrow. I know, two of the three characters mentioned aren't here. Just thought I'd throw it out though. XD

She's semi-puncturable. Please don't tell her she's fictional, but if you wanna be like "HEY! IT'S LOIS LANE!" or even go as far as to be like "Clark Kent's wife!" (cause that'd be especially funny), go for it!

You can catch me at TrstMeImThDctr on AIM or

(Scotty, Priestly, and now Lois. God, I get a lot of loudmouths.)

Important Edit!: So, Lois is a TERRIBLE speller. Like. Really bad. So don't think it's me being retarded, I do that on purpose with her.