May 27th, 2009

[info]timevigilante in [info]colligo_ooc

Weekend trips are no longer allowed. A few days in the mountains without internet, and I miss so much! Can you guess how excited I am to see more Whoniverse characters though? So rather then go through and say hello to everyone separetly on each introduction post, I'm just going to re-introduce myself again here for the new kids.

I'm Jamie! I currently have two girls here.

'Ace' aka Dorothy Mcshane, is from the Classic Doctor who. Everything you wanted to know about her is in this journal. She was a companion of the Seventh Doctor, fought daleks, was in the spacefleet, has been to Gallifrey, travels in time and space on a motorcycle, has a weird connection with the Master...among other things. She also likes to blow stuff up.  Which she will begin to do shortly.


Usagi Tsukino aka Sailor Moon. She's a happy, bubbly, clumsy teenager from Tokyo, Japan. [info]supernovae has all her info. A bit of a cry baby, but definetly a good person. Fights evil, princess and future queen, originally from a kingdom on the moon...I'm sure everyone knows at least a little about Sailor Moon. It's classic Toonami, right? xD