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Oct. 2nd, 2008


Who: Peter and Open
What: Peter is out and about still coping with being infamous famous. Perfect timing for another recruiting attempt or possibly a run in with another hero. I'm down for anything really.
When: Thursday Afternoon
Where: A little cafe up town somewhere.
Status/Rating: Open/PG

Today was going to be one of those days )

Sep. 26th, 2008


Who: Scott and Ororo
What: Meeting to discus their current status
When: Friday evening
Where: A bar a little bit uptown
Status/Rating: Incomplete/PG-13

"…and today, SHIELD announced their intentions to open their first transport station outside of New York City. This will be the first of fourty eight transport stations in the continental United States which SHIELD will use to transport illegal unregistered heroes back to their prison at SHIELD Headquarters in New York. Controversy over this unseen prison continues to stir as the agency prepares to open the stations and armed national guardsmen continue to stand by at each location."

Stark has Knight and Wing on us )
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Sep. 23rd, 2008


Who: Bullseye and Open
What: Bullseye arrests Typeface. Threatens crowd. Laughs a lot.
When: Sept. 23, Tuesday Afternoon
Where: A New York Street
Status/Rating: Open/PG-13

One For The 'Good Guys )

Sep. 21st, 2008


Who: Spider-man
What: Spidey foils a bank robbery
When: Sept. 22, Monday morning
Where: A bank in midtown
Status/Rating: Narrative/G

Three of the unconscious criminals were sprawled out at his feet. )

Sep. 19th, 2008


Who: Tony, Misty, and Colleen
What: A 'business' meeting.
When: Saturday morning
Where: Avengers Tower
Status/Rating: Incomplete/PG-13

Brunch uptown meant normal deli food and not leftover, cold Kung Pao. )


Who: Danny Rand
What: Zen and the art of pointless paper shuffling (aka, Danny blows off his “work”)
When: September 18th, Mid-afternoon-ish
Where:New York City
Status/Rating: Narrative / G

Right now he was filling (or maybe that should be filing) his hours, with mind numbing 'work' )

Sep. 18th, 2008


calm envy

Who: Shiro Yoshida
What: Narrative
When: Mid-afternoon to mid-evening
Where: St. Regis Hotel, New York
Status/Rating: ~G

Years ago, it wasn't even one. There was just something about the drink that made him feel comfortable more than a glass of vodka or whiskey or anything would although he still had the occassional beer. And then it became a staple drink at night and then he couldn't let go -- even after he'd moved on, the brandy was the one thing that stayed with him.  )

Sep. 17th, 2008


Delivered to Knightwing Restorations LTD )

Sep. 16th, 2008


"There's no cause for worry when it comes to the SRA prison," said SHIELD's Anthony Stark, also known as the hero Iron Man, when he appeared on Thursday night's 20/20. "It's in a secure location where those who've chosen to break the law can be held without the public needing to worry about their own personal safety."

Stark, a vocal and active supporter of the Superhero Registration Act, sat down for an open interview with Charlie Gibson where he answered questions ranging in topics from the SRA to his personal life. A large swath of the discussion was dedicated towards what detractors describe as a 'Gitmo based prison where inmates lose all constitutional rights'. Gibson asked Stark why the public hadn't been allowed to see the prison first hand.

"Because it wouldn't be responsible of me to show what's supposed to be a secure building and location to the entire world," Stark answered. "The public knows what it needs to and I've repeated this time and time again. The prison is within SHIELD headquarters and it's where we take those who choose to continue operating without registration. And let me also make it clear that we're out to punish people for anything pre-SRA. We commend the heroes who've been operating in this city and around the country for years now and we've given everyone ample time to either register or hang up the cowl. What we cannot stand for are the heroes in the face of the SRA refuse to take responsibility for their current and future actions, whatever they might be."

"As for the rumors that various unregistered heroes have been disappearing and that your operatives have taking them, illegally, to this prison? Can you speak to that?"

"They're just that. Rumors. The unregistereds are just going underground. There's your disappearance."

In the hour long interview Gibson went on to ask Stark about the transference points SHIELD plans on building in each of the Continental United States; points that would enable members of SHIELD to transport any captured unregistered heroes from state to state and back to the unknown prison within SHIELD headquarters.

Viewers can watch the full interview when 20/20 airs on ABC next Wednesday.

-- The New York Post, 9-16-08

Sep. 14th, 2008


who: Bullseye
what: Kicking back with a grin as he considers his new position.
when: Sunday, September 14th.
where: NYC, in a roach infested motel.
status/rating: Closed/pg-13

Things are lookin' up... )


who: Rogue and remy
what: Who knows, probably angst.
when: Sunday
where: New york city, new york
status/rating: Open for remy/pg-13

up in flames, burning bright, warming the air of the world )
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Sep. 11th, 2008


who: Rogue and ororo! :)
what: Rogue's back, yay
when: Thursday afternoon
where: New york city, new york
status/rating: Open for ororo/pg-13

don't complicate it by hesitating. )
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Sep. 10th, 2008


yeah that's beauty and the beast

who: Rogue (CLOSED)
what: Some pondering, guilt, and some revelations
when: Wednesday, sometime in the afternoon
where: Caldecott county, mississippi
status/rating: Closed/pg

as the years passed, he fell into despair and lost all hope. for who could ever learn to love a beast? )


Who: Shiro Yoshida (plus Emma and her cronies later on)
What: Arrival
When: Daytime, maybe early afternoon
Where: New York JFK
Status/Rating: Kind of Open/Should be PG

Compliments from Ms Emma Frost, Mr Yoshida. )

Sep. 9th, 2008


Who: Tony Stark and Brigid O'Reilly (NPC)-- OPEN
What: After a meeting with one of his agents, Tony heads out through Central Park
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Central Park
Status/Rating: Open/PG-13

You love it. )

Sep. 7th, 2008


Who: Remy LeBeau
What: Gambit has sticky fingers.
When: Sept. 7, 2008
Where: Times Square, NYC
Status/Rating: Closed/PG

Pick a crowd, any crowd. )


Who: Norman Osborn and Open
What: Norman Trys to Locate Tony Stark
When: September 06, 2008
Where: New York City
Status/Rating: Open/PG-13

It's quicker to be found then to do the finding )

Sep. 6th, 2008


Who: Steve Rogers
What: Steve haunted by current events. Coming to terms.
When: September 06, 2008
Where: New York High Rise Building
Status/Rating: Closed/PG-13

From American Icon to Outlaw )


Who: Scott Summers and Open
What: Walking through Mutant Town towards Thompkins Square park
When: September 06, 2008</b>
Where: Mutant Town
Status/Rating: Open/PG-13

Targeted was different than actually WANTED )


Who: Tony Stark and various SHIELD men
What: Tony Stark gives his troops some orders.
When: July 6th, 2008 [Backdated]
Where: SHIELD compound in Manhattan
Status/Rating: Complete/PG-13

The law goes in through the front door )

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