Bridget McKennitt
18 October 2011 @ 08:56 pm
Sorry about the lack of communication the past couple of days. Real Life has been kicking my butt (mostly getting addicted to Glitch. I am 2 days away from learning Remote Herdkeeping!). I'll wait until tomorrow afternoon for people to comment if I'm missing their drabble/drawble/iconbles on the masterlist (to score points properly) or if I misspelled/errored in another way on the masterlist (link goes nowhere, wrong character attached to the wrong drabble, etc) before tallying points. The masterlist is long, so long that on the IJ asylum I had to post it in 2 entries, and I want to be sure I'm not leaving anything out by giving enough time.

Once points are tallied and random winners are randomed, prizes will be handed out by the end of the week at the latest.

Again thank you to our watchers and participants for making our drabblethon a wonderful success!