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Children of Eden

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[Mar. 1st, 2014|08:05 pm]

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WHO: Ianto and Jack
WHERE: The Hub, then back to Jack's home
WHEN: Week 9, Wednesday, early evening
WHY: Jack needs to make sure Ten had not gotten to Ianto. He also guesses it would be time to tell him lover about his ex-lover.
WARNINGS: Jack, some angst, more to be added.

Where there is love there is life. - Mahatma Gandhi )
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[Mar. 1st, 2014|08:58 pm]
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Who: Jack and Ten
When: Week 9, Weds, late afternoon
Where: Jack's home
Why: Because Ten likes to stir the pot
Warnings: TBD, likely some sexual innuendo

If I say I'm sorry / It's just me telling a lie )
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[Jan. 19th, 2014|10:21 pm]

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WHO: Ianto and Jack
WHERE: Jack's house
WHEN: Week 7. Monday, night
WHY: Jack wants to give, in his opinion, a poor excuse for a birthday present.
WARNINGS: Jack Harkness, sex

Happy birthday to you. )
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[Jan. 15th, 2014|04:30 pm]

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WHO: Ianto, Jack, and Eric
WHERE: Jack's house
WHEN: Week 7. Monday, afternoon
WHY: Ianto is spending his birthday snowed in with Jack and a complete stranger

Here it's December everyday )
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[Dec. 29th, 2013|09:36 pm]

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Who: Jack and Ianto
Where: Jack's home
When: Week 6, Tuesday morning
Why: Jack has to wake Ianto up only how Jack can.
Warning: Jack Harkness, sex, sex, and more sex

Wake up sleepy head. )
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[Nov. 29th, 2013|10:48 am]

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Who: Jack and Ianto
Where: Jack's home
When: Week 4, Thursday, Midday
Why: Jack wants to talk about eventually changing Ianto and Ianto surprises him.
Warning: Angst

I will never leave you alone. )
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[Oct. 23rd, 2013|02:56 pm]

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Who: Jack and DeWitt
Where: Jack's home
When: Week 2, Tuesday, Evening
Why: An old bottle of scotch has to be drunk, and talk of a brand
Warning: Jack Harkness, mentions of slavery. TBA

While he is in his room, might as well have some company. )
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[Oct. 22nd, 2013|08:14 pm]

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Who: Jack and Ianto
Where: Jack's home
When: Week 2, Wednesday, Noonish
Why: Delivery of a new desk, trying out said desk, and talk of removing a brand.
Warning: Sex, language, some angst, Jack Harkness, mentions of slavery.

I watched this movie once, want to try something new? )
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[Oct. 13th, 2013|02:43 am]

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Who: Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones
Where: Ianto and Jack's new house
When: Week 2, Sunday
Why: Unpacking must be done eventually along with discussions of their coffee shop
Warning: possible mentions of slavery, more than likely sex, Jack Harkness, TBD
Do you think we have enough rooms? )
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